S3ood means the world to me, I never believed in love until the day I loved him, guys like s3ood are really hard to find,,really,,he’s one of a kind..So today is his 22nd birthday, I bought something typical, a perfume and a wallet, I don’t really know anything else..he’s at Friday’s with his friends, so I’ll just step by for a second, give him the gift, and leave..
When I arrived..I called him telling him I’m here..6ala3 barra..Damn! he’s gorgeous!
S3ood; ba3ad galby wallah, you shouldn’t have..
Ruba; hehe, ishda3wa? A9lan it’s not that special..
S3ood; shloun mu special? Kafy yaya minnich hathy akthar hadiya special binisbaly.
Ruba; hehe *Shy*..
S3ood; ooh b3d yisti7ooon?
Ruba; hehe, chub! *jokes*
S3ood; ooh b3d echa3moon?
Ruba; hehe
S3ood; khal nitmasha..
Ruba; o your friends?
S3ood; bil 3ana
Ruba; 7araam..
S3ood; SKIP! Emshay nitmasha, ana ma 9adagt shiftich!
Ruba; hehe, ok..
As we were walking side by side, akh I felt like we’re walking on the moon. For some reason his company makes me feel like I’m in heaven! He makes me feel like I’m the greatest person, the smartest, the prettiest, he just really appreciates what I give, and I appreciate him for that!
S3ood; Howb! Wain ri7tay?
Ruba; hala? La maku, ma3aak..
S3ood; ya 7ilwich wallah ..
Ruba; hehe *Shy*..I’m tired, khal nig3ad..
S3ood; ok
We sat down, 6ab3an you know how boys sit, they out their arm on the seat, and of course I sat next to him, so practically,,his arms were KINDA around me ;p
Ruba; don’t you wanna see your gift?
S3ood; embala..
So as he opened it, a smile comes on his gorgeous face..akh!..
S3ood; ya ba3adhum!
Ruba; I’m glad you like it, it’s nothing really, but I didn’t really know..*interrupted*
S3ood; osh! It’s not nothing! It’s everything to me!
Ruba; *shy*
S3ood; ob ob! Fe kart b3d?..*Reads in a low voice* “happy birthday 7uby, gbal el-alf enshallah, awal 3eed milad ma3ay, o enshallah mu el-akher,,a7ibik…” Ya ba3adhuum wallah! W ana amout feech!
Ruba; hehe *Shy*
S3ood; akhaih! Wallah elyoum a7la youm ib 7ayaty!
Ruba; Mine too
S3ood; Ruba?
Ruba; hala?
He sounded serious, what’s going on?
S3ood; this might sound weird..
Freaking me out here!
S3ood; I know you, I know enna I’m the first guy you talked to, o I know you think this is your first and last love, o I know you think enna I would never marry you because you talked to me, but I just want to let you know,,that I know better, o I have you on my mind!
What does he mean? If he means what I think he means then that’s so adorable, but does he really mean it?
Ruba; mhmm..
S3ood; ana ma 7abait chithy min gabil, this is more than the usual..
Ruba; I can’t say me too, you are my first love..
S3ood; I know..
So after a while, he went back to his friends, and I went back home,,as I laid my head down,,my phone rang..Strange number! Should I pick up? Should I not? Ugh! Bil 6agaag! Skip!...it rang again!? Ohooo ez3aj taly el-lail! Skip skip! .. It rang AGAIN! Maybe it’s serious? Maybe s3ood has a new number!? Maybe it’s a friend in need?! Chinny barid? Yallah ma ra7 e9eer shay..
Ruba; Alo?
Stanger; …...
Ruba; Alo?
Starnger; …...
Ruba; if you’re def you shouldn’t buy a phone!
I hung up! Oops was that rude? Who cares? he’s the creep! .. GOD! It called again! Heffff shil salfa!? Ohh skip skip enshallah lai bachir mani rada! It kept calling and calling and calling! Until a msg was received, it said “well that wasn’t very nice”..Whatever! .. another msg .. “Answer, I’m calling again”…who’s this freak? .. should I answer? I think I will..
Ruba; Aloo!??
Stranger; akheran?
Ooops, it’s a guy!
Ruba; khair okhoi?
Stanger; khair ib wayhich, 7abait asalim!
Ruba; Excuse me? Mnu enta 3ashan itsalim?
Stanger; ummm, let’s saaayy..ennyy wa7id min elrabi3!
Ruba; wai3! I’m hanging up now, don’t ever call again!
I hung up, and then my brother entered my room..
Khalid; shfeech ruba? Mnu itzifeen *Laughs*
Ruba; wa7id dag 3alay el7imdillah wil shikir egoul dag esallim!
Khalid; mnu hal 7aywan?
Ruba; madry! Dag 3alay alf marra!
Khalid; 3a6eeny telephonech ana a3almah!
My phone rang right at that moment..
Ruba; it’s him..
Khalid; 3a6eeny ana atfaham ma3aah..
So I gave him my mobile..
Khalid; alo?..6a3 saddah!..badig 3alaih min raQmy!
Ruba; khwailid ma lah da3y, it’s not a big deal!
Khalid; la ana a3almah ma3a mnu ga3 yil3ab!
My brother has a hard head!..OBVIOUSLY!
He was talking to him, and then he got angry, like really ANGRY! Shfeeh? ..
Khalid; 3a6eenyy telephonech!
Ruba; laish! Shfeek shil salfa?
Khalid; 3a6eenyy telephonech ashouf!!
Ruba; enzain haak!
Ashwa enny I delete everything before I go to bed!! Chan re7t feehaa!!
Khalid; *Searching for dirt*….9ij ma yisti7yy 3ala wayha hatha!
Ruba; ishgal lik? Wai3 khwailid gouly shil salfa mu fahma shay !
Khalid; khala9 wala shay,,yallah you should sleep, good night.
Ruba; what the … ?
Khalid left the room with doubt! Bs ambaih shil salfa! Ish9ayir! Wai3 I hate being put in such situations. So anyway, 6ab3an I thought about it and all, and just couldn’t sleep, until S3ood called..
Ruba; *low voice* hala?
S3ood; nayma 7ayaty?
Ruba; la ga3da..shfek?
S3ood; mafeny shay, just wanted to thank you again, o see how you’re doing, you seemed a little down tonight!
Ruba; la s3ood, mafeny shay, bs I want to tell you something..
S3ood; shoot..
So I told him the story..
S3ood; 9ij mu mitrabby hatha! 3a6eeny raQmah ana atfaham ma3ah!
Ruba; la khala9 s3ood, my brother talked to him, o I’m sure he won’t call again!
S3ood; la 3a6eenyy raQmah!
Ruba; Sa3ood la itkabir elmawthoo3 bil 6agag!
S3ood; agoul lich 3a6enyy!
Ruba; ok fine,,99xxxx
S3ood; AY SHAY!?
Ruba; shfeek?
S3ood; hatha raQam 9a7byy!!!
Ruba; WHAT?!
S3ood; ana awareeehhh hal *beeeeeep*
He hung up on me! What the hell? Oooppss,, did I do a huge mistake telling s3ood? Bs if I didn’t I’d feel guilty enna I didn’t tell him! Wai3 I hate this feeling! El7een 9ij magdar anam!..allah yastir bs..
Weird, I woke up in the morning, no missed calls or msgs from s3ood! What happened!? Ah whatever! I’ll call 3ady,,
Ruba; alo?
S3ood; *upset* hala hala ruba!
Ruba; shfeek s3ood?
S3ood; mafeny shay.
Ruba; la hatha mu 9outik! Fek shay for sure ,, spill!
S3ood; maku ruba, 7ayaty entay, wallah bs I’m a little upset min yousif (the stranger who called) o ams it’hawasht ma3aah..
Ruba; aha..well..don’t worry sa3ood..I won’t answer his calls or his msgs, b3dain my brother talked to him, so no way edig a9lan!
S3ood; eeh 7ayaty I know! Bs what he did was low! Shnu hatha khara feh, he goes behind my back, takes your number, and calls you up!?
Ruba; yallah you learned something, better now than later
S3ood; akh! I hate how much I love you!
Ruba; hehe
S3ood; how do you do it?
Ruba; do what?
S3ood; what you do! You say all the right things at the right time! You really make a man feel better! Just listening to your voice makes it better! Even if you talk Indian..it would make me feel better!
Ruba; one of a kind *jokes*
S3ood; haha, don't push it *jokes*
Ruba; *GASP*
S3ood; hahaha! I'm joking, I'm joking!
Akh he’s just perfect! Do I think this way because he’s my first love? I don’t think so,,s3ood,,how can I describe him,,well he’s the kind of guy you’d wanna spend the rest of your life with, even if you’re his slave, just being a part, even a tiny part of his life, is just too good to be true!
Physics doctor; don’t forget the project it’s due tomorrow, and your quiz has been delayed to next Sunday!
Student; laaa2! Estaath la itgoul!!
Physics doctor; it’s on Sunday dear!
Student; Darn!
Physics doctor; study hard people, it’s not going to be an easy one,,
Ana wain o el-quiz wain!? Why did his friend call me? Wai3 ishyaby! Kal 3ada rinad elkhibla tig6a3 7abil afkary..
Rinad; rwaib! Tikfaain ba6la3!
Ruba; bimsillah khara3teenyy!
Rinad; way entay bs itfakreen? Bassich bassich!
Ruba; haha, chub
Rinad; 6a3 shakliich!
Ruba; shfeh shakly eyanin!
Rinad; hahaha, rwaaiibb emshay emshayy khal ni6la3!
Ruba; ok, bs khanyeeb ma3ana basma, 3ala aQal 3indaha 3aQil shwaay *jokes*
Rinad; haha, eh wallah maynontain may9eer, lazim wa7da 3agla bainhom!
Ruba; enzain chub! Let me call her..
So the three of us went, timashaina 3ala ba7ar shway, b3dain taghadaina ib wasabi elbedi3..
Basma; ambaih ma it9adgoon ams ish9ar feny!
Rinad; ish9ar fech?
Basma; gimt min elnoum faj2a! kint 7asrana haha..
Ruba; 7asbaly 3indich salfa!
Basma; haha, la ni6ray khal akamil,,b3dain gimt min lifrash 3ala asaas barou7 el7amaam, youm wigaaftt!!..wala el-arth 9ayra chinha isfinjaa! Manyy gadra ougaf 3ala 6ouly!
Rinad; wee!
Basma; eehh! O it3arfeen elly khala9 7asait enyy ra7 aQashy bs maku a7ad fa khift aQashy o ma7ad yadry b3dain amout!
Rinad; hahahahahaha, esmilah 3alaich!
Basma; haha, wallah!
Ruba; yallah el7imdillah ma 9ar feech shay..
Basma; eh wallah, bs sho3oor etha7ik!
Ruba+rinad; hahaha
We talked and talked and talked, of course I told them about the weirdo last night..they also think he’s a creep!..
Aww how cute? Two messages from my s3ood,,the first one said “9aba7 elward, rise and shine sun shine” ,, the second one; “7abebty ruba meet me at el-mukan liflany walhan 3alaich 7addy”..So I replied “ok,,I’ll be there at 4”..
I wore something really simple, black skinny pants, pink top..o pony tail o bangs..o libast necklace that s3ood bought me.
I was in my car, and I could see him from afar, but he’s not alone, oops! Who’s the guy with him?..I walked up to them..
S3ood; ahlan! Ahlan!
Ruba; hehe, ahlain!
S3ood; sit down!
Wai3 is this dude going to stay? Good thing enna ga3id on the other side of s3ood! I sat down hesitatingly..
S3ood; so?
Ruba; umm, *low voice* who’s the dude?
S3ood; oh he’s my friend, he’s meeting a girl, o it’s kind of like a double date! Haha
Ruba; haha ya7lailkom!
His friend; haha, shlounich ruba?
Ruba; umm, zaina el7imdilah, enta shlounik?
His friend; tamaam..
S3ood; eh I forgot to introduce you, ruba this is my friend 7amany, 7amany this is my love ruba!
7amany; nice to meet you..
Ruba; likewise!
Damn this dude is really under my skin, I don’t know why but he’s just really annoying!
S3ood; meta tiyee e7im e7im?
7amany; hahaa, yaya bil 6ireej, ishda3wa taby elfaka miny?
S3ood; haha la shaku,,bs 3ashan ya3ny hatha..
7amany; eh eh hatha!*jokes*
S3ood; hahaha, 7abeeby wallah..
Wai3 maleeeeeeeQ hatha 7amany! Akheeran his gf came! Faka!
Sarah; Hi
Slaima it9ikiiich!
7amany; hiyaat! Hala wallah!
Sarah; shlounkom?
S3ood; tamaam..
Sarah; umm, shlounich ruba?
Ruba; *Fake smile* zaina
7amany; yallah emshaw!
Chan zain el-arth tifta7 o tibla3ny=)
S3ood; yallah..
We were eating dinner together in chili’s..ga3 yigrigooooon o suwalif ma laha ma3naa! Wai3, do you know the feeling when time passes by really slow? Damn a minute to me was like an hour! Then after a while, they wanted to walk, bs ana wi9alt 7addy, fa dazait msg to s3ood, git lah “s3ood I’m really tired I wanna go back home”..he replied “3ala ra7tich 7ayaty, bs laish dazitah msg 3ady goulily face to face”..”la akhaf lama agoul they get the wrong idea” which is in real life the right idea, haha,.."khala9 elly ray7ich, bs bawa9lich ok 7uby?”…”mashy” so we walked out together, youm wi9alt my car,,,
S3ood; I’ll miss you..
Ruba; hehe..
S3ood; shfeech 7uby? Mu 3ajbatny?
Ruba; mafeny shay, bs madryy..
S3ood; shnu goulilyy!
We were standing against my car..
Ruba; madry sa3oood..
S3ood; what? You didn’t like the idea? The double date thingy?
Ruba; *Silence*
S3ood; I know you too well!,,khala9 ma tin3aad,,now since you lied about being tired…I’m not gonna let you go!
Ruba; *giggles*
S3ood; eh thi7kay..khala9 emshay, bawadeech mukan it7ibeena!
Ruba; wain?
S3ood; it’s a surprise, just follow me bil sayara!
Ruba; ok
I just love him…..
Ay shay?..laila gallery cinema? Allaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! I love this place! I remember I used to come here to watch a movie whenever I’m upset! I JUST LOVE HIM!! 9ifa6na, nizalna!..
Ruba; ya shagooooouuul!
S3ood; hahaha!
I have to hug him!! Haha osh 3aib..
Ruba; *stares at him with a big smile*
S3ood; shfeech *smiles*
Ruba; a7ibik!
S3ood; ana akthar!
Ruba; way mal kaf!
S3ood; haha, yallah emshay khal naggy film 7ilw..
Ruba; yallah..
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Aweeeeeeeeee So sweeet! Ruba et'habel w se3oud seems like a gr8 guy bs madre 5ayfa mena..amazin story i love
s3ood is amazing wow he really likes ruba wayed have i ever seen such cute couple<3
Secrets ; Hehehe! Well ... Binsohuf :p! Entay el-amaziiing! Love you;**
N; Hehehe! Yeah they're cute! Bs entay cuter;**
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