
Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Rhythm Of My Heartbeat-32

His words kept repeating in my head. I didn't know if I wanted it to make sense or not..

"Entay 7asbalich Yousif e7ibich 9iij? Tadreen enna he has done this with millions of girls? ... Lemme guess .. khathach elyakht. O wadaach Cotton Candy Land. o wadaach his studio. Oh! And he told you that you're the only one he cared about because he framed the shot where he was looking at you. And he used film just to make you believe that your photos are safe."

His words made me wonder. How would S3ood know all of this? Shloun kan ra7 yadryy?!

My ringing tone always found away to distract my thinking. I looked at the called ID. There was none. But I knew the number very well. It was a number I could never forgot. It was tattood on my heart. S3ood.

Ruba; What do you want?
S3ood; Where are you?
Ruba; What do you want from me?
S3ood; Agoulich where are you?
Ruba; Why do you care? Rou7 7ag 7abeeebtiik elly mayta feek khal tinfe3ik!

Maybe I got a little off-track.

S3ood; Mnu?
Ruba; 7abeebtik!
S3ood; Ay 7abeeba?

I couldn't remember her name. But I remember the girl very well.

Ruba; hatheech! Elly tamshyy ma3aha 3al ba7ar!
S3ood; OHH!


Ruba; ifff
S3ood; el3ilmich elkhaa9..Hathy mu 7abeebtyy!
Ruba; Well I don't care! What do you want?
S3ood; Goulilyy wainich!?
Ruba; malik sheghil feeny s3ood. khala9 elly baina entaha. laish tiyii faj2a o you expect me to believe every word you say?
S3ood; Chik! Offaaiihh 3alaich OFFAAIIH! El7een ana khayif 3alaich o a7ateeech o tig3ideen itsam3eeny kalaam yijraa777?!! Rubaa! Ana lal7een a7ibiich!! Enti tifhimeen? Hathyy elly itgoleen 3anhaa she's my lab partner o ettifaqt ma3aha enna etbi6 chabdich 3ashan itrideelyy!!

I froze. I didn't know what to say. I hung up. I drove even faster. HIS WORDS. Aaakhh. They were replaying in my head. I wanted to go back. I wanted to be surrounded with support. I needed my friends around me. Bil ghala6 I took the wrong U-turn. A car crashed mine from behind. I got out and screamed at the stupid driver. Sayartyy ta3awaraat. And because of all the stress and all the confusion ,, I didn't realize that I broke a finger. I felt the pain but I didn't mind it. So any way I drove back and cried on Rinad's chest. Then went to the hospital and had them examine my finger.

When I got back to the chalet that night. I texted S3ood. Saying:
"If what you said was true..Meet me at the cafe @ 12pm tonight"

New story coming up;**

Hey guys!
I know enna I'm a bad blogger o ma apaawiist ella from time to time. o adry enna my posts are short (A)! And just to let you know..The Rhythm Of My Heartbeat is ending. o ana 7addy mista3yila 3ala this new story that's coming up. Fa ra7 akhalli9 The Rhythm Of My Heartbeat chii ay kalam ;$! 3ashan abdy bil new one.

The new story is a story of a close dear person to me. Fa it's non-fiction! 7ADHAA 3AJEEBAA! Trust you won't regret reading it. 7adha khayaaliya! Enshallah I'll try to post today aw tomorrow part 32. o it'll probably end like 35 or something close to that.

The new story will be titled "Adry ti7ibnyy" Enshallah. o if you have any ideas for the title help me out;**

Mwaaaaahh I love you all o 7addyy I miss each and everyone of you;*****

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Rhythm Of My Heartbeat-31

Ya ba3dyyyyy kilkoomm! I miss you soooooooooooooooooooooooo muuchhhh;**! Guys wallah I'm so sorry min ziman mu empawsta. I haven't had the time to write. So sorry 7abaaybyyyy entaayyy;**! I'll try writing b3d zyaada li3younkooom;***

Guys yousif o s3ood kind of have the same color. So I'm going to change s3ood's color 3ashan e9eer difference;*

ooo ooo there's something else I would like to share (A)! .. Aby as2al what's your favorite show this rmithaan? Personally...I LOVE LOVE Sahir ellail! Akhaaaiiiihhh! 7addaaa eyaniiin o 3ajeeb! I loved seeing the old kuwait. Love it. What about you guys(A)?

I woke up having a headache. I tried to get up but my head was way too heavy. I couldn't understand anything. I was in a different place. I laid down for a few minutes then had the strength to get up. I was in the living room. It was about dawn. I couldn't help but remember S3ood. And just when I did,,I remembered the weird dream I had last night. I dreamt of him. He held me in his arms and he was taking me somewhere. Somewhere safe. I sat up straight and fixed my hair. I found a little note on the coffee table. It read:

"Meet me in the café when you wake up. Tharoory.
Yours forever"

I figured it was yousify. I got up, washed up, dressed up, and got out. I wasn't dressed up girly. I was wearing my tight jeans, tank top, and a blue shirt on it. I kept the whole thing open. I also wore my Nikey sneakers. I had my hair in a ponytail.

So anyway,,I walked to the café. I walked in only to find the staff setting it. There was only one customer. He was perfectly staring out the window. His face was printed in my memory. I couldn't forget one feature. It was S3ood. The only person I didn't want to see, And would be lucky if I did.

I walked out, I didn't want to be alone with him in there. I waited a few moments outside. Then decided to call Yousify. His mobile was switched off! SWITCHED OFF!? I figured I should wait a lil.

The best voice in this whole wide world; Laish wagfa barra?

I turned around, and he stood perfectly near the door.

Ruba; I'm waiting for someone.

I tried not to look at him. But I just had to.

S3ood; Waiting for the one who left you the note?
Ruba; Uhh ,, Eeeh!?
S3ood; I left the note Ruba.

Akhaaiih esmy 3ala elsaanaah!

Ruba; Huh? Shaku?
S3ood; I'll explain everything. Bs mayseer enta7acha hnyy barra. Dishay dakhil entanaaqash.

What about Yousify? His mobile was switched off how was I supposed to tell him?

Ruba; ok..

How could I ever say no to him ;/

We sat. There was an awkward silence at first. He kept staring at me, And I kept staring at the floor.

Ruba; Ummm,,So?
S3ood; Where were you last night?
Ruba; Bil shalaih ma3a my friends.
S3ood; 7asafa you call them friends!

Huh? What does he mean? ;s

S3ood; What's the last thing you remember from last night?
Ruba; Umm .. I was walking, then I lost balance, then I guess I blacked out. B3dain I woke up today finding myself in the living room. So I guess … someone carried me there.
S3ood; Someone like who? … Yousif?

I nodded in silence.

S3ood; Shoufay ruba. Ana taam saakit for a long long time. But it's time you hear the truth.

What truuthh? THE TRUUTHH? Ay truth?!!

S3ood; Bs awal shay ma tathkireen wala shay min last night?
Ruba; Ummm
S3ood; Try to remember.
Ruba; Oh yeah! I remember lying on the floor and calling out someone. I don't remember who ,, Emm ,, maybe Idk.
S3ood; what else?
Ruba; Emm,, I remember being carried carefully. I also remember crying.
S3ood; Bs?
Ruba; Eehh ,, laish?

Why would he ask me of such thing?

S3ood; Ana bagoul lich kil shay 9ar ams. Because I was there.


Ruba; okay.

I was beyond shocked on what he said!! I couldn't believe it.

Ruba; You know what s3ood? I don't believe you! You're just jealous for some reason I don't know why! Laish chithyy itsawyy feenyy? You break my heart, and then I move on and find this perfect person o hamman taby itkhariib bainaa? You're so selfish s3ood. Do you ever think of others?!! Ambaih ana mu gadra a9adiig!

I walked out leaving him behind. I got into my car trying to shake it off and I sped away.

Ma3qoola chithyy egoul 3an yousify?
Ma3qoola egoul enna yousifyy mittifiq ma3a basma eshawrboony monawim?
Ma3qoola he's that low?
Ma3qoola egoul enna yousify 7a6ny ib sayarty?
Ma3qoola enna ka nib yakhithny somewhere allaho a3lam wain?
Ma3qoola enna s3ood was el-ba6al o anqathny from the evil one?

Ma3qoola my dream was reality?
Ma3qoola enna S3ood was the one that carried me?
Ma3qoola s3ood is the prince?
Ma3qoola basma is the evil friend?
Ma3qoola yousif is the theif?
Could all of this be true?
I could never know the truth!
Bs why would Yousif take me?
And where would he take me?

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