
Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Rhythm Of My Heartbeat-28

I know this is short. Bs a7san min wala shay 9a7(A)? Hehehe

The photo of the dude in white is 9ali7! I don't know about you, bs this is exactly how I imagined him ;p! Chii I was looking around chan a7is hatha 9ali7 ;p



I don't want to bore you. Let's just cut to the chase! ..

9ali7 and Jasim were done with what they were doing. We gathered in the living room and decided to go ride the bikes. I wore my blue shorts and my white and yellow striped sweater. At first we were close, then everyone went their own way. So I plugged my iPod o 3isht eljaw. I was speeding a bit so I loved the way the air blew my hair and refreshed me. Forever & Always By Taylor Swift was playing.

And out of the blue.

I see him.

Why did it still hurt?

Why did my heart stop beating?

The whole world was spinning.

My iPod was suddenly silent.

Everything paused.

Everything disappeared.

Only him.

He was very much alive.

He wasn't looking at my direction.

He was busy trying to light a bonfire.

It wasn't dark yet. But the sun was setting. I froze for about 3 minutes. Maybe he noticed something going on, so he looked at me. I didn't believe it! He was looking at me! AT ME! RIGHT AT ME! Right through my eyes. Maybe he felt my pain! Was I in pain? Wasn't I happy with yousif?! I was confused! I shook those thought away. Put on the cap to cover me up. And rid my bike right pass him.

I made a stop at the cafe to swallow what had just happened. I had some warm coffee and just sat there. Thinking. I was distarcted a while later by a text.

From Moron;
Mistansa 7ayatyy? 6amneena;*

It took me 2 minutes to put up a sentece.

To Moron;

From Moron;
Feech shay 7abeebty?

(After 2 mins)

To Moron;

(After 2 mins)

To Moron;

From Moron;
7abeebtyy mu 3ajbatny! Akeed mafeech shay?

To Moron;

(After 2 mins)

To Moron;
I'm going to bed.

From Moron;

I ignored his last text. It annoyed me!

I left my bike near the cafe and walked to the chalet. I saw s3ood's group of friends. I wondered where he was. I wanted to see him. And I didn't want to see him. I arrived at the chalet. Rinad and 9ali7 were joking around and eating junk. I told them I was wiped and needed to head to bed. I took a hot shower and let the hot water wash my pain away. I knew tomorrow my muscles will be aching. I knew tomorrow I might see s3ood again. I knew tomorrow I will not forget.

I decided to call yousify. He asked about me after all, o ana digartah shway fa I had to make it up to him.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Hmm (Part 2 of 3)

Hiiiii(a)! 7abayybeeebbyyy entawww! Wallaaaah el3atheeem soo soo sooo sorrryyyyyy! I have. A lot a lot a lot of things to say..

1) Thanks for all your comments;**
2) Sorry ma radait 3alaikom wallah I don't have the tiime;**
3) A7ibkuum wayiiid(a)
4) I miss you wayiiid wayiiid!
5) I'm finally happy and okay with everything that's going on;***
6) Thanks for your support;**
7) Wanasaaa my followers 9araw 62! Yallaaah meta e9eeerr 100(A)!?
8) Last but not least .. A7IBKOOOOOOM;***

Here gooooesss part 2 of untitled ;p


So as you can see .. Dalaal was cocky wayiid! Bs kan laha 7ag tkoun maghroora.. After a while. Dalaal noticed enna Abdullah is insanely in love with her. It freaked her at times, but enchanted her most of the time. She was amazed at how he would go do things for her. And how he would change himself just to be "PERFECT" in her eyes! (Come on! Mnu el7een esawyy chithyy? Mnu yitghayar 3ashan bnaya! Cute 9a7 ;p? Hehhe;**) she started caring about him. Bidait itleen ma3ah! She felt his love. She was moved. They talked daily.

O yoooouuumm min el-ayaaaam!!!!!! .. (Ishda3wa cham 3alamat ta3ajub xD) She was ib bait 3amha (Obo Abdullah) She was playing around with Abdullah's little brother "7amad" ..

Hamad; *giggles* Abyyyyyy waffles!!
Dalaal; Yal nizQa min wain ayeeb lik waffles!
Hamad; AAAHH! Abyyy waffles aby waffles aby waffles!!! ABYYY WAFFLES!!

Abdullah walked in looking confused like "Shal khabba?"

Abdullah; Ish9ayiir ish9ayir!? Sheek 7amadoohh it9arriikhh!?
Abdullah; azra3 lik mathalan!?
Hamad; EEEHH!
Abdullah; HAhahahaha!

An idea crossed through Dalaal's mind ..

Dalaal; Hey! ElJam3iya kahya yam baitkum khi6witain!
Hamad; Eeh yallah yiiboulyyy!

(Ambaih 9ij ishtahait waffles :( aaaahhhh)

Elmuhiiim(A) ..

Abdullah; 6a3 hatha 9ij rahyy! Etha binrou7 tiyyiii ma3ana!
Hamad; okay okay!

So they all went together .. they were walking to the co-op! Hamad was in the middle. Dalaal held his left hand with her right hand. And Abdullah held his right hand with his left hand. And whenever they were crossing a pavement they would carryy him and give him a jump (Ambaaihh wana yaahilll killaa chithyy esawoon feenyy mom and daad! Wallah kan sho3oor 3ajeeb astaaniis lamma enrou7 3ind elri9eef ;p)

Dalaal and Abdullah crossed looks. After all she was falling for him slowly. Haman limbalta3 noticed that ..

Hamad; Meta ra7 titzawijoun?

Dalaal's jaw dropped. And Abdullah's smile couldn't get wider!

(kids always do that! killa efashloun :p! 9a7?:p)

Dalaal changed the subject .. o el7imdillah thaa3at elsalfa. Any way .. They went to the co-op got the waffles. Enjoyed them, and went back home. They were sitting in the living room playing video games. Until murt 3amha yat ..

Um Abdullah; Yallah 7amaad bedtime!
Hamad; LAA22! El7een bakhalllii9 el-mar7ala! I'm about to kill the zombie!
Um Abdullah; 3abadyy la khalla9 rou7 nawmah!
Abdullah; Enshallah yuma


Dalaal looked at him with elnathra elly takh6ir 3ala balkom nooww :p! HEhehe .. Abdullah gave him extra 10 mins. And he went to put him to bed.

Hamad; Bye bye Dalooollaa *blows a kiss*
Dalaal; Bye ya rou7yyy;**

She heard him teasing Abdullah on their way ..

Hamad; 7arra ana rou7haa!

Abdullah turned his head only to find Dalaal giggling and he rolled his eyes at Hamad :p! He was secretly jealous ..

Abdullah sat next to her when he returned ..

Abdullah; Why was it surprising?
Dalaal; What's that?
Abdullah; Marriage?

Dalaal froze. Okay! She likes him! A lot. Bs marriage? It was way too soon to talk about marriage .. She was freaked out. She wasn't even sure enna she likes him that much..

Abdullah; haa?
Dalaal; Madryy...................

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Rhythm Of My Heartbeat-27


So you see (A) ..

Hal post mu wayid feeh Yousif! It was gonna be so much shorter! Bs wallah 3ashan kha6irkom sawaitah 6iweel! I was thinking "Ambaih el7een misakeen na6reen 9ar lihom ishkithir o akhir shay hal 6oul? La la ba6awlaah" Ishraykoom feenyyy(A)! HEhehe;**

I hope you enjoy thiiis ya Mazyonaaat (LOOL! Again gilt'haaaa xD)

Hallah hallah bil comments haa :p?



As soon as we reached his house we got out to help since he was holding alotta bikes ,, 9ali7 found a way to put them in my car. Rakabnaahom foug o riba6nahom ib 7abil. (Akhaaaiiih wallah walaht 3ala ayaam elshalaih! Killa chithyy ensawyy!) We then drove and sang along with the radio .. Thankfully Jasim was ready by the time we reached there ,,

Jasim; itga3dounyyy waraaaa?
Rinad; Ugh jasoom 3adyyy!

Good thing his ego wasn't so big ,, He sat at the backseat when he saw 9ali7 there, they chatted as Rinad and I were talking about Salim!
Rinad; This is like my last month with you guys! Lazim en7alil hal month!
Ruba; Hehehe, Eeh 7adda!
Rinad; Hey ishrayich inkallim Basma? Nin9a7ha or something!?
Ruba; *Upset tone* Madryy kaifich, you talk to her, etha itsana3at I'll talk to her!
Rinad; Yeah okay ..
Ruba; 9iij 9a7 kha6eebiich 7abeebich rifeej e7im?
Rinad; They're not like friends friends! ,, Madryy Saloomy 7aloomy egoul they go to the same gym!
Ruba; Aha ,,
Ri7na McDonald's drive thru and ordered ,, We were eating almost the whole way ;p ,, We arrived a few minutes later, unpacked, They all went straight to bed, While I , on the other hand ,, Sat down on the beach ,, Just thinking ,, I wondered what yousif was doing right now. I wondered and hoped S3ood was happy! ,,, I felt my mobile vibrate ,, akhaaiih 3ala yousiif ;**
From Moron;
Nayma 7abeebty?
To Moron;
No, Gam akhiz elba7ar ;p

From Moron;
Ya entaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! 3asa mistansa?
To Moron;
LOL! Eeh el7imdillah ,, Everybody's asleep though, bs wanasa barra, chii maku a7ad, thalma o twinkling stars, 3ajeeeeeeeeeeb!
From Moron;
Akhaaiih 3alaaich! ta3ashaitay 7abeebty?
We kept texting till I fell asleep on the bench.
I woke up feeling something cold on my forehead, I opened one eye, It was way too bright for me to clear the image, But I knew there was a person in front of me, I put my hand on my forehead and felt a cylinder shape, I put my hand around it, and felt other things that don't make sence, "That person" put sunglasses on my tummy, I wore them and everything was almost clear, it turns out that "That person" is a male, and he was holding something on my forehead. I hate this feeling in the morning when I can't understand the simplest things!
Ruba; ElSa3a cham?
Male; 8
Ruba; I slept here?
Male; AtwaQa3

Estee3aby started working, And everything became clear, his deep voice had to wake you up, He was holding a bottle and put it on my forehead, He, was ....

(3araftaw mnu? ;p Next post it3arfooooooon! Mwhahaha Shireera (6))


Jasim. He then let go of the bottle, and sat to the bench next to me and gazed into the big blue ..
Ruba; A7 my skin is burning!
Jasim; *chuckles* Yeah you're tanned!
Ruba; *Gasp* 9iij!?
Jasim; Eeh!

I got up so I can wash up and look at my tanned new look ;p

Ruba; hey this is ranood's right?
I pointed at the sunglasses
Jasim; yeah, but don't give it back, looks cute on you ;p
Ruba; hehehe
(he's not flirting, ohwa chii shakh9eetah ok?;p)
I got upstairs and found Rinad sleeping peacefully, I tiptoed to the bathroom and found this gorgeous reflection against the mirror, (Ghoroor shwaya ;p) The sunglasses also made me look stunning..Rifa3t elnathara o 7a6ait'ha 3ala sha3ry, riba6t sha3ryy, o ghasalt wayhy o farasht asnany ,, I got out and say at the balcony ,, I hadn't noticed that Salim was wearing something last time, I almost didn't recognize him with his clothes on ;p ,, But this morning he was wearing something else, He was wearing a training suite which made me realize he was working out ,, I then saw him run across the way in front of our chalet house, His iPod was plugged and he seemed like he's breathing comfortabley ,, 3inda liyaQa that it. He stopped for a while and sat on a porch as he rested his arms on the back side, I couldn't stop myself from noticing him and staring at his actions, he was fun to be around, he jokes around and has limits. He then called someone, or someone called him, and then this girl shows up! Ooooooh! Chakaaitaaahhh :p!
*Msg Ringtone*
From 997xxxxx;
Quit staring at the guy
Yumaaa! I freaked out! Dashait dakhil o ligait ranood minsad7a 3ala ba6inha holding a phone and laughing her ass out!
Ruba; Shfeech?
Rinad; 9aidaaaaaaaa ;p
Ruba; ya7maaraaa! I thought it was some stalker or something!
Rinad; Hehhehe, No this is my new golden number, saloomy got it for me ;p
Ruba; kalba :p
Rinad; *Laughs her heart out* wallah it's fun! Let's do pranks to peaple after I wash up!
Ruba; Eeh yallah wanaasa!
She washed up and then we sat on the bed and started getting devilish ideas ,,
Ruba; Let' text 9alooooo7 omg maskeen!
Rinad; okay, yallah let's start with 9aloo7!
Ruba; Eeh eehh! Kitbay kitbaay "Wee fidait elnayim boozik ish7alataah" xD *Laughs her heart out*
Rinad wrote those exact words and laughed too.
Rinad; Let's text Jasooom! 7abeebtah wiya 9a7?
Ruba; Hehehe, 7asbalyy ma tadreen xD
Rinad; La la a3arf kil suwalif jasoom, yallah yallah khandiz lah "Mu 3aib 3alaik jidaaam lawaadim?! 9ij maku nakhwa" hahaha
We continued the prank on other people too ;p .. But after wards, we both went down stairs to prepare for breakfast ,,
Rinad; Leave it to me! Lazim at3awad l2anyy batzawaj ;p
Ruba; Hehehe, ok go ahead cheff I guess ;p
I sat in the living room, turned on the tv and had some orange juice ,, Jasim came in a few minutes later ,,
Jasim; Ranood 7addy yo3an, bs basba7 b3dain akil, save some for me okay?
Rinad; sure thing ,,
She started gossiping about him the moment he left. It was actually funny. We woke 9ali7 when Ranood finished cooking breakfast .. We sat at the table ate and had some chats ,,
9ali7; Let's ride our bikes
Ruba; Eeeh yallah 3ogob ma ekhalli9 Jasoom!
Rinad; Eeh eeh! 9iij thanks for bringing bikes for us! 9ij ma asti7yy 3ala wayhyy!
She covered her face with her hand acting all shy!
Ruba; ishda3wa 3adyyyyy! ;p
She was shy min 9aloo7 ma tisti7yy minny! We're like sisters ; )
9ali7; Huhuh!
NaQazt 9ali7 ,,
9ali7; Enzain ana barou7 asba7 aw shay..
Rinad; If you see jasoom tell him about the bikes..
9ali7; sure

Rinad and I started talking again ..

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Why? Laish? (Random)

*Inspired by a story of a friend of a friend* bil kuwaityyy: it's not 7aggy. It's just something I was inspired to write! (Try to shut me up, magdar:p) it's this friend who's madly in love with her hubby, bs she doesn't always feel good about this love ;p don't ask why! Ana madry :p! How is that? Emm, madry! I just hope she feels good and realize that she's in a place where every girl wants to be ;p (mu 3an her husband xD lool! No no! About being married while loved and loving ur hubby ;p )

Laish a7ibik?
Laish 7abaitik min lasaas a9lan?
Why are you always on my mind?
Why are you the only thing that matters?
Why did I fall for you?
Why am I sad when you're gone?
Why I'm I beyond happy when you're here?
Why do I shiver when you're angry?
Why are you different to me?
Laish it7ib itchathib?
Laish itchathiib eb aftah el-ashya2?
Why don't I care?
Why do I always think it's funny?
Why isn't it a big deal to me?
Why don't I care about that issue?
Why do you make me jealous?
Laish ma it7ibny kethir ma ana a7ibik?
Why do I make the impossible for you?
Why do I change for you?
Why are you sweet to me?
Why do you love me?
Why are we together?
Why can't I just leave you?
Why can't I just drive off and never come back?
Why do I smile everytime you look at me?
Why do you make me laugh?
Why do you make me cry?
Why do I wear your perfume when you're gone?
Why are you the only rightful man for me?
Why do I see in you what you can't see in yourself?
Why do you have the power to weaken me?
Laish tigdar it3a9ibny?
Why are you the only one I see in my future?
Why do I get jealous from the girls who flirt with you?
Why do they matter?
Why? While I know they're nothing but trash to you?
Why do I care?
Why do I love you?
Laish a7ibik?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hmm (Part 1 of 3)

I know what you're thinking! Shal title xD! Ikr? I was thinking what to name this story! Chan agoul nafsy "omg 9ar ly sa3a bs afakir bil title! ,, the content is more important than the title" :p! Sorry I haven't posted in days! Wallah I had no time. Things are looking up, so enshallah you'll read more of me;** ,, I added something new to this story. I noticed that most stories (actually all) contain girls that are not mit'hajbaat! So I decided to give them some credit. Hamman ohma e7iboon;p ! 7araam I never read one story about a kuwaiti mit'hajba! Enshallah you'll like this story, herev goes;***


It was hard for Dalaal to throw away all her short sleeve-shirts! And to throw all her dresses away! It was her mother's last wish. To wear the Hejab. No matter how hard it was for Dalaal, she believed it was worth it. Her dad told her she doesn't have to do it. But she insisted, she loved her mother more than words could say. She was 16 at that time, How sad is it to lose your mother at the age of 16!? Dalaal had her weak moments, but she was strong most of the time. She managed to live life perfectly. She was perfect.

Dalaal had a cousin that was crazy about her. She didn't care about him. To her, he was just this insane kid that just wants to be in love. But she hadn't noticed that he had loved her ever since she was 14 ; ) ..

One day, when she was 17,, they were at the chalet having a blast. Dalaal decided to have a swim in the pool. It was only her family there so it was okay. She wore her sleeveless shirt and her mini shorts and took a swim. She was in the pool for 3 hrs, and just before she was about to leave, guess who arrives? Yep. The crazy cousin of hers. Abdullah. Nobody was around. Her siblings have all gone to ride their bikes, and she was the only one in the chalet. Scratch that! With Abdullah!

Dalaal froze and kept hearing his footsteps, when she thought he got closer, she dove in as if she weren't here. (She wasn't wearing her hejab so that's why she wanted to hide) Abdullah didn't know she was there, he looked into the pool, and he saw a weird pink thing (try saying that out loud it's hard :p) any way ,, it was hard to make out. He didn't understand. And then it just hit him! Dalaal is drowning! Little did he know that she was holding her breath and hiding from him. Next thing, he takes off his shirt, and dives in to "save her"! He grabbed her from her waist and swam to the top! He looked at her shocked that she wasn't drowning or anything!

D; Shfeek!? I was hiding from yoou!!
A; Oh! Khift gharagtaayy!
D; No no! Abduallah rou7 la itshofnyy chithyyy!

She couldn't even hide anything! Shetkhish o shetkhally?!

He apologized as he was walking away..

Dalaal didn't like him much. But she liked the way he stood up for her when it was needed. She liked his jealousy. But never did she like him. Why? Maghroora! Maghroora 3ala shnu? 3ala jamalha o thakaa2ha o manzilat'ha eb kil shakh9 it3arfah! She was the perfect one. And Abdullah was just too "regular" for her! Little did she know!

Monday, July 12, 2010

You're The One (Part 3 of 3)(The FINALE)

Heyyy :D ..

To clear things up a bit ,, this situation I'm facing is NOT about a guy! I would never ever ever cry for a boy! There is a guy involved but he's not the reason of the problem, it's a problem I'm facing with a dear friend! And it's so complicated! Mabye I'll share that story later enshallah. Once the problem is solved .. I'll make a story about it enshallah;* let's just hope things work out;*

Here goes the finale ,,


Deema did not understand why she got worried! She didn't care if boys didn't call! She'd be happy at other times! .. She called a while later ..

Tariq; Hala hala! 7abeebty ana bil bait!
Deema; Then why didn't you call me?
Tariq; Madry dayoom chii elwakt mit2akhir o dashait atsaba7, lahait shway..

"Laha? Laha 3anny ana? Ok mashy Tariq! Mashy" she thought as she was trying to control her temper.

Deema; Ok, gotta go sleep! Buh-bye!

She hung up and Tariq was shocked she didn't care! He was shocked on the way she reacted!

Deema kept tossing and turning ,,

"Ana laish chithy ta3allagt feeh? Ana Deema! Ana elly elwa7id e7ibny o ana ma a7ibah o ahiddah weeks later!! Laish hatha em2athir feeny? Laish at'thaayag lamma ma ydiiig? Laish? Laish 7abaitah?"

From that night, Deema decided to continue doing what she does. Dump him, and move on with another.

She called him next morning ,,

Tariq; 9aba7 elwaardd
Deema; Hehe, 9aba7 elnour ,, Tariq?
Tariq; 3yoounah?
Deema; I want to move on with another! You're not the one for me!
Tariq; huh?

Deema didn't bother explaining. She hung up. Changed her number. And started flirting with other boys.

Tariq was on her mind everyday, she would never forget him. She thought these memories and thoughts were just stupid and that they're gonna go away after a while. But no. She was wrong. They didn't go away. They stayed for 2 months and she couldn't handle it any more, she had no difficulty finding his number, it was in her heart.. Luckily, Tariq picked the phone ..

Tariq; Aloo?
Deema; *hesitating* .. Aloo?
Tariq; Mnu? D.. E7im! Mnu?
Deema; eeh eeh!
Tariq; Deema?
Deema; Eeh!
Tariq; Amray?
Deema; Tariq ana a7ibik! I was so stupid before! Wallah wallah a7ibik! I couldn't forget you! Being in a serious relationship was so not me! I thought I was someone else and I wanted to be me once again, but then I realized the old me is just a loser that doesn't know what's love!
Tariq; Deema I love you too, bs hal 7achy el7een ma ra7 yinfa3 shay!
Deema; laish?
Tariq; I'm in the airport. Traveling to Siatle!
Deema; For how long?
Tariq; Forever! I'm gonna study, and work there. You were the only reason why I wanted to stay! I waited for you I thought you were coming back to your sences, 2 months later I lost hope, so I don't know how it's gonna work out for us!
Deema; la2 la2! Tariq ana a7ibik o maby akharrib 3alaik mustaQbilik, bs I want you to stay! I know it's selfish but I want you to stay here with me!
Tariq; Deema it's done, 3ogob ni9 saa3a 6ayaartyy!

Deema started crying, and she didn't know what to do!

She came up with a solution bs ma ra7 agoul likom :p haha jk of course ra7 agoul likoom;***

It was only her last year in High School, she said she wanted to continue studying in Siatle, with the love of her life. And so she did. As soon as Tariq finished college, he proposed and everything went well. They had their wedding in Kuwait! And had anothe wedding all the way there in the U.S! A little cute one of their own <3


One last Q.

Is marriage the happy ending to every story?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

You're The One (Part 2 of 3)

Hey guys! Sorry ams ma kan aku post :( I wasn't feeling well,, o I have a bunch of questions that I need answered! Can you help me? I need it wallah!

1) How do you know if a person is true to you, and not just lying?
2) How can you stop yourself from crying?
3) Is it possible that people could show something and mean something else for a very long time, say 3 years?
4) How can you stop caring about something?

Here goes my post, and please if any of you know at least one anser please answer, coz I need it. Thanks;**


So Deema walked out of their chalet and bumped into this guy! They were both shocked ,,

Tariq; Deema? ;o

Wow big surprise for you Tariq, ain't it?

Deema; Tariiiiqq?? What brings you here?
Tariq; A7ib elba7ar ;D

"That's nice' Deema thought.

Tariq; walk with me?

Deema changed her mind about getting something to eat! Hell she wanted to walk with him and so much more ;p! She was 17 at that time! While he was 19 ,,,

They walked together and talked about random things ,, minutes later ,,

Tariq; I want your hand!
Deema; Ha?

":| what what?"

Deema tanna7at!

Tariq; Is it okay if I hold your hand ya3ny?
Deema; Ohh! ,, ok sure!

He held her hand, and she felt electricity running up from her hand to her heart to her brain! She grinned!

Tariq; I like your smile ;D! I'll always hold your hand when you're feeling bad so you can smile!

"Awwww!! How sweet"

Deema was about to melt! She couldn't believe it! Ma kanat mistaw3iba laish chithy saa7at 3ala li9bay? Normally it would just be a crush or a wanting and then once she had the guy next to her it would disappear! But with him it stayed!

Their relationship got deeper weeks later. Deema was in love. And so was Tariq. Bs Tariq akthar.

Deema was laying on her bed waiting for Tariq to give her a call, Tariq calls her when he gets home. Always. Because she doesn't like it when he stays out late...

She waited, and waited! Sarat elsa3a 3 o ma dag ,,,

*gasp* ish9aaar?

You'll find out bil finale ;**

Don't forget to answer;**

Thursday, July 8, 2010

You're The One (Part 1 of 3)


I'm feeling much much muuch better today el7imdillaaahh!! ;D

Soo ,, This whole story is dedicated to ....

*Drum roll*


Once again I'm sorry I didn't thank you staright away. It's a happy happy happy story! Just made for you! Mabyy etheeg khelgich! And this goes out for you ya a7la ensaana;***


Deema was 13 when she had her first crush. She had the courage to approach and confess about the way she felt towards the guy she has a crush on. Ever since then, She had whoever she wanted, And would break up with "them" when they're bored from each other. This is how it goes ,,,

On the phone ;

One of the guys; ... Did u do your homework?
Deema; I'm not your daughter! I'm 15 don't worry about me!
One of the guys; Okay okay la it3a9been 7ayaty ;p
Deema; ugh! ;/ Listen 7amanyy I think we're done here?
7amany; Wha...?

She would hang up and change her phone number. She would erase each and every way he could trace her. That's her story. She keeps doing it, and doing it.

She was once sitting with her female cousin (7ilwa hathy female :p) on the pool in their chalet .. She was bbming this other guy ,,

Rawan (The Cousin) ; Hey who r u talking to?
Deema; This hot guy from _ _ S
Rawan; Ahaa ,,

Rawan took a long gaze ,,

Rawan; Dayoom don't you think you should settle on one guy you actually love?
Deema; Piffff xD! Rawoon min 9ijiich? I don't believe in love shfeech ;p! HAHAHA wallah it'tha7keen rawoon!

She continued bbming the guy saying she likes him and all that ,, o Rawan thayig khelg'ha 3ala her cousin.

By the end of the night, Deema had the guy chasing her and calling her. She loved the charm about herself! She loved the way she thought she owned everybody and that she could point her finger at a guy and he would be hers. This dude (Basameeeeeeeehh Fathil ;p! Just kidding esim obbahaaat ;p! Esmaaaaaaaaaaahh ,, Tariq) Fell deeply in love with her (Bismillah truth tawa e3arifha xD khala9 gilt he fell deeply ya3nyy he fell deeply:p) He loved her laugh, He loved her reactions, He loved everything about her. He was also in the chalet next door, But Deema did not know that. Neither did he until he saw her copy pasted of her dp in the bbm. He never told her and decided to "Bump" into her ka2ana bil ghala6 (ZoQaa;**)

It was 12 o'clock when Deema decided to go to go grab some food from from the rest. close by .. She held her phone bbm'ed him and walked to the rest.

And guess who she bumps into! Her eyes were popped out. He tried to act surprised, But no use ;p


I hope you like it! I have to go sorry! Otherwise I would've continued;(! A7IBKOOOOOOOOM KILKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM;*******


Hey guys! I'm sorry elyoum maku story! I'm soo frustrated! Always.Be's surprise was supposed to be tonight! Bs sorry enshallah tomorrow! Any way ,, I'd like to share a few things with you..

I wanna lost weight! I wanna be daddy's idol daughter. I start dieting tomorrow enshallah. Emm what else? Listen to Qi9at Ghader by Miami! It's really old so I don't know if you're familiat with it,, this is how it goes..

Min hal ziman bashkyy wa7chee likom ma 9ar
Qi9at ghader bil 7ub, o Qi9at ghader layaam
O el3ishra mehi hayna ella 3ala elghadar
Elly bala thanb a9dar el-a7kaam
Ohh! Ohh ;p (tharooriya hal ohh)
Fathal hawa ghairy o enga63at lakhbaar
Ba3 elhawa eb la7tha o khalla el7agega awhaam
Kil youm tis2alnyy 3youn lizghaar
Min ajil nafsah o bs 9aro methil el-aytaam
O el3eshra mehi hayna ella 3ala el-ghadar
Elly bala thanb a9dar el-a7kaam
Bil theeja o elmurra 9ibart amraar
Ya3ny jeza 9abry alga elghadr jidaam
Khallaany fe baityy methl eljamir fe elnar
Wain el-wida hatouh! Ridoo ya haly lislaam
O el3ishra mehi hayna ella 3ala elghadaar
Elly bala thanb a9dar el-a7kaam

Ok I'm a loser in knowing arabic lyrics so you should check it if you're ineterted in what the real words are..

I can't sleeeeeep ;'(! I hate this! Yallah ma a6awil 3alaikom! Bachir enshallah the surprise a7ibiich;** I love you all so much;***

Sorry to disappoint you ;*

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

More Than Words (Part 4 THE FINALE)

They landed safely, checked in the most amazing hotel. They shared the same room. Hadeel was terrified! But she would sacrifice anything for him, so she went for it. He also told her she has no reason to be afraid coz "nothing" is gonna happen.

They went everywhere rogether, they came and left together. They had the best time of their lives.

One night, on the second week, they were chatting while they were lying down ,,

Musaed; This is like the honey moon we'll never have.
Hadeel; *sigh*

*awkward silence*

Hadeel; tadryy mnu shift elyoum bil lobby?
Musaed; mnu?
Hadeel; bint khalat oboy ,, salimat 3alay ,, and she asked shlouny shakhbary ... Musaed she saw you! She saw us together!

Musaed was shocked, and he was surprised at how Hadeel handled it. She was very calm, she didn't care much. They talked things out but they didn't come up with a solution.

Hadeel freaked out next morning from 15 missed calls from her father. She woke Musaed ..

Musaed; it's okay! Call him shoufay ishyaby!
Hadeel; *long inhale* here goes... It's dialing..
Father; Aloo?
Hadeel; Hala yuba..
Father; Hadeel entay shetsaween bidbay? (In Dubai in kuwaiti accent ;p)
Hadeel; *swallows* adwwir jam3aat!
Father; Bint khalty Fara7 daggat 3alay ams itgoul shafitich ma3a wa7id!?!! Ha Hadeel? Ta7acahaayy!!! Fashalteenaa!!!

It was on speaker so Musaed heard the whole thing.. Hadeel froze, she didn't know what to do! She didn't know what to say! And her father had lost his patience waiting for her to answer!

Father; Hadeeeel?? ;@! Mnu hal rayaaal!!?

Hadeel closed the line! She didn't know what to say! She then cried and Musaed held her! A few minutes later she received a text from her father..

From Daddy;
Hadeel hal rayaal elly wiyach whoever he is titzawijainah faahma?? Ya wailich en radaitay likuwait ma3a rayaal mu mitzawjitah! Fahma? Shbigoloon elnaas? Ana gilt 7ag bint khaltyy enkum mitzawjeen!! Titzawijaainaa fahmaaa? O la radaitay ti6aligoun!

Both of them were over the moon! They didn't believe they were gonna get married!! They got married straight away! They forgot that her dad said they'll get a divorce.

They got married and stayed there for an extra week. Min ghair details :p ,, They were sad to go back, but it didn't matter because they were married. They baught each other wedding rings. Hadeel didn't care that she didn't have a milcha party! She didn't care if she wasn't gonna have a wedding! She wanted to be married to Musaed!

They got back, Musaed ya wiyaha elBait! They're married now! Hadeel ra7at kalimat omha o galat'ha kil 9gheera o kbeera! And sh7alat'ha omha she's so understanding, and ra7 tougaf ma3aha against Bu Sa3ad!

Fights happened, screaming, pointing fingers, all that happened! It was a strugle for everybody! But Musaed and Hadeel would never give up!

Hadeel; Khala9 yuba ma tigdar taQ9ibnaa inti6allag! A7ibbah o ohwa e7ibnyy!! Yuba tirtha yaddy eyii egoul lik 6allig mortik? Tirthaaha 3ala nafsik?

Just for a split second, her dad imagined being in her shoes! But he still didn't agree! Musaed and Hadeel decided to stay married, far away from their parents, they got a house, and a few months later her father started streching and started to swallow the truth. He started liking Musaed time after time. He realized that he was the rightful husband for her.

Bu Sa3ad; Sami7nyy ya ewlidy sa3aat 7ubbik 7ag 3yaalik ya3meek!
Musaed; it's a lesson to all of us!

They had a late wedding! But boy did it rock! It was the best wedding, and you'd be lucky if you attended it ; )!

And they all lived happily ever after. ;D

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

More Than Words (Part 3 of 4)

From Musaed Al-X;
Min 9ijiich?

To Musaed Al-X;
BatQashmar ma3ak mathalan?

From Musaed Al-X;
Hehe, ok ok la it3a9been ;p! Tadreen min meta an6ir hal kalam?

To Musaed Al-X;
Hmm, just a wild guess 12 years ;p?

From Musaed Al-X;
Wrong! 14! We were in kindergarden together. I don't think you remember!

Hadeel couldn't help but cry. She knew she wouldn't marry him. She wanted to tell him that her dad refused and she had nothing to do with it, bs she didn't know if it was the right thing to do.

Hadeel didn't reply. And didn't text for weeks, wisal lah khabar enna they refused. He was confused, he couldn't understand! Hadeel loves him, he's a good guy, shway o yitkharaj, he comes from a great family. He didn't understand what went wrong. He didn't get the courage to text her, neither did she!


She couldn't take it any more. She believed they were made for each other and she followed her heart (guys be careful when you do that, your heart doesn't ALWAYS know the right thing to do)

To Musaed Al-X;
Hey ..
Listen I don't know what I'm doing, I just want you to know that I love you and I was totally against my father's decision! I want you! But dad refused! I'm so sorry!

She waited for 5 hrs and he didn't reply!

"Amout wa3arf shfakkar feeh lamma gara! Did he read? Maybe he didn't? Maybe his mobile is swtiched off? I'll call just to check"!

She called, and guess what? His mobile was on and he answered!

Musaed; aloo

"Akhaaiih 9outah"

Hadeel; aloo Musaed?

"Akhaaiih 9out'ha"

Musaed; hala?
Hadeel; You got my msg?
Musaed; eeh

Hadeel was confused! Why wouldn't he reply? She told him she loves and wants him ,, and he doesn't reply??

Hadeel; funny, I didn't get a reply!
Musaed; Hadeel shagoul lich ya3ny? Your family refused and they know what's best for you .. You deserve better than me ..
Hadeel; what?? Ana elly you deserve better than me! Ana elly ma astahlik!
Musaed; laish laish? Ana shnu 3indy? Entay feech el-muwa9afat ay shaab yitmanaaha bibnaya! Entay kamla o el-kamaal lallah!

She teared up. Min zimaan mu 7aasa enha something special!

Hadeel; Musaed I don't care! I want you billy feek! A7ibik ana!
Musaed; Ana amout feech! Bs shinsawyy? ElDinya gisma o ni9eer! O el-thaher we'll never be together. I'll never get married because I can't even imagine myself with someone other than you. Bs entay jidaamich 7ayatich el7ilwa o ay rayaal yitmanaach o allah ywafgich o ya bakhtah elly eb yakhthich!
Hadeel; osh Musaed! Osh!! Shnu hal kalaam? 7asbalik I'll get married!! Mabyy ghairik Musaed!

She started crying and Musaed my yit7ammal yisma3 a7ad yabchy! Specially Hadeel. The love of his life.

Musaed; khala9 Hadeel ma 3alaih! Bachir titzawijain o lamma tathkireny itgoleen ashwa ma tizawajtah!
Hadeel; La2 la2! Musaed shfeek itgoul chithyyy! A7ibiik tifhaam ya3nyy shnu a7ibik?
Musaed; *sigh* shinsawyy?
Hadeel; Madry...
Musaed; ... *awkward silence* ... I'm going to Dubai next week .. Wanna come?

It was a great opportunity for them to get together, Hadeel thought. But it was also risky and a bit freaky.

"I love him, and that's all that counts. If I have to die for him, I'll do it! I'm going"

Hadeel; Eeh! Great idea! How lond will you be staying there?
Musaed; You mean we ; ) .. It's supposed to be for a week, but if you wanna stay longer then so be it ;*
Hadeel; Yeah akeed I want to stay longer!
Musaed; Great! Khala9 get ready l2ana elsafra is in 3 days!
Hadeel; Okay!

They chatted until they both got tired and snored together ;p jk :p Hadeel couldn't wait! Those were probably the longest 3 days in her life!

It was the day! Hadeel had packed her suitecase, and couldn't believe she was gonna do this. She told her parents she was going to Dubai because she wants to see colleges there. Her dad was surprised she was finally considering studying abroad.

She got in the airport and saw him there. He waved, she blushed! The chatted a bit in the cafe, and then they were called to departure!

Hadeel shivered! But the sight of Musaed's peaceful face always calmed her down.

They got in the plane, and Musaed let her have the seat near the window, such a gentleman ;* they would both lean their head back and look at each other. Their eyes spoke to each other. They didn't have to use words at all.

To be continued;*

Monday, July 5, 2010

More Than Words (Part 2 of 4)

"Omg! Hatha mu min 9ijaah!! 9ij wathiQ min rou7ah! 7asbalah I can't wait pifff ,,, wait! Mu chinna ana elly wathQa min rou7yy o 7asbalyy ib yakh6ibnyy ana? Yimkin mu ana!? ... Well he's a good boy, he deserves a good girl, allah yhanny elly eb yakh6ibha"

Hadeel was never confident. She never believed she was pretty, smart, or even talented! She never felt special except from the way Musaed treated her. He made her feel special! Her family? Well how can I describe her family? They want "THE BEST" and the best only! Not the best for her, not the best for them! They wanted to be on the top of everything! They wanted their daughter to be perfect! It's a good aim, but to a certain degree! There are limits to everything! They wanted her to be a robot! "Eat healthy food" , "Sleep early" , "Study hard" , "Work hard" , "RIP"!!

So two years later, Hadeel graduated o e6la3at el-oula 3ala dif3at'ha! She was happy that she did something outrages!! She got into the best college! THE BEST! Her father was insisting for her to study abroad! But she could not be away from kuwait for years..

From Musaed Al-X;
MABROOOK hadeel 7abeebtyyy! Tistahlain akthar! 3indy lich hadiyaa 3OOOUUDAAAA bmonasabat tafawiQich! I'll be visiting you next weekend! I talked to my mom, she talked to yours ;p you know how it goes ;p

Love you forever;**

"Omg :o!! Bismillaah bismillaah bismillaah!! It's sweet that he still remembers me! Bs he's kinda freaking me out! .. Allaah what's the big gift I wanna know!! HOOOWWWWB HADEEEEEEL!!! LI9BAY BIYIII YIKH6IBIIICH!!!!"

Hadeel called her girlfriend at once, told her everything. And then they headed shopping for a cute dress! It was no big deal if she didn't find it coz awal marra bs el-omahaat then elriyayeel, b3dain if they like the dude they let him see their daughter.

Let me describe hadeel! Hal bint nabeeha, jameela, habeela ;p haha jk :p She's not pretty! She's beautiful!! She took breaths away whenever she walked in a room! Laha haiba chithy!

So any way ,, ya thaak el-youm ,, o she peeked from the window to find Musaed driving his G-Class with his mom next to him! Hadeel took a glimpse of him and melted! Never did she feel this way towards Musaed! She always turned him down, o killa tadgira! Bs hal marra ghair! The guys was out the door this time! It was different!

She was on the phone with her bff the entire time! Shaikha sensed Hadeel's suddon love ..

Shaikha; are you into him?
Hadeel; piff!! Moi? Haha! Shakuuu?? Ewww!! La shakuu! Haha shaikha you're so funny have I ever told u that?
Shaikha; daam enna I'm so funny chan rifathtay youm ur mom yat galat lich haa :p?
Hadeel; ugh maleeQa 7addich :p! Fine I like him :p!

That was it! That day she realized they were made for each other! She fell in love with him that night! After 12 long years, tawha tistaw3ib enha it7ibah!

Hadeel; I love him!
Shaikha; bismillah!
Hadeel; shayookh I gotta have him! El7imdillah ennaah kha6ibnyy! I can't wait!

Hadeel went on and on and she wouldn't allow shaikha to disagree ;p .. After the gathering was finished, Hadeel enzalat o eg3idat itsoulif ma3a omhaa about him,,,Her mother said great things about him, o Hadeel shway o itQashyy ..

BUT ..

When her dad came and asked about the guy!!!...

Father; Shnu yadris handasa? La la ma nabeeh! Binty tistahil akthar minnah!
Mother; haw bu sa3ad (the dad ;p) itgoul handasa chinnah shay hayyin! Tara handasa shay mu sahil! O ma3roof enna handasa o 6ib aQwa shay! O elWalad yadris handasa!
Father; la la! Hadeel el-oula! Tistahil a7san minnah!

Hadeel knew the argument would go no where, so she excused herself and went to her room!

"Laish el7een lamma 9irt abeeh I can't have him? Laish el7een lamma I love him I can't love him? Laish? Laish?"

Million questions ran across Hadeel's mind that night! But she couldn't find the answers to any!

To Musaed Al-X;
I love you too

That was the first msg she has ever sent to him!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Rhythm Of My Heartbeat-26

YAAAY! I wrote a lot 3ashaankoom!

This is a long post! Wallah A7iissah it iis! Tistahloun kil khaaiir;******

A7ibkoom kilkoom!

I'm NOT BACK yet! I'm sorry! Bs I will continue posting short posts enshallah! O I'll never leave you without posts! I love you guys A LOT! And the photo is supposed to be nikey;**

Nawarii; Here's the moron;***

Always.Be; I have a surprise for you, bs ni6ray shwaya! A7IBIIICH WAYIIID;***



Looking at him was a bit hard at that position, But I looked. His eye lashes were brown color because of the sun light, also his eyes, I saw the shadow of his eye lashes on his nose, And they looked beautiful!

Yousif; You'll enjoy it!
Ruba; Daam enny ma3ak!
Yousif; Ya ba3adhum! A7ib...


And the roller coaster started 3ala 6oul! It started quickly you had to catch your breath before it started! But I was holding mine as I was waiting for "A7ibich"


I closed my eye the whole ride! I only felt my hair blowing across my face, And my hands sweating in Yousif's! ,, The handle got slippery and it freaked me out! I thought I was gonna die (Marra chii la3abt li3baa itkharri3 7aaaaaiil ambaaih! I thought I was gonna die ga3adt agoul ash'hadu anna la elaaha ella allah! LOOOOOL XD) ..

Ruba; yousif you're dead!
Yousif; Hahahhaha!

About 2 minutes later, we landed safely you can say ;p ..

Yousif; Wasn't that fun?!
Ruba; A Head's up would've been thoughful!!

I reanrranged my hair quickly, I didn't want him to look at me with my messy hair!

Yousif; Hahaha, Wallah ma estanastaayyy?
Ruba; Embala embala! Bs ekhtara3t youm faj2aaa eshtaghlaat! I was .. uhh ..
Yousif; shnu?
Ruba; I was ..

Mitshawga 7ag "A7ibich" Why couldn't I say it?!

Ruba; I wasn't expecting it!
Yousif; Hahaha, 3ady 3ady! Yallah emshay nghadeech!

We had some cotton candy on our way out ,, And headed to Lenotre ,, We talked about random things,

Yousif; EEH! I've been meaning to tell you ..
Ruba; Emm?

I was in the middle of eating my salad ..

Yousif; a7ibich
I didn't have the courage to chew, "A7ibich" Yousif E7ibny! E7ibnyy ana Ruba! Akhaaaaaiiiih 3alaih o ohwa egoul "a7ibich" ,,
I finally swallowed ,,

Ruba; Haman ana!

Yousif smiled. Not like any other smile. A very calming yet thrilling attarctive smile. Akhaaiih 3ala ebtisamtaah!

Yousif; Let's have some dessert!

Dessert? ^^ LOL! My mind couldn't help but understand it the bad way ;p

Ruba; Yeah ,, I think I wanna have The Framboisine

Yousif called the waitor and asked for the bill!

Ruba; What?
Yousif; That's not the kind of dessert I want!

Ya3nyy he means what I thought? Yumaa! I freaked out and distracted myself by "Chikchiking" with my phone ,, I saw him pay the bill from the corner of my eye, and acted as if I didn't see him do that ,,

Yousif; yallah mishaina!
Ruba; eeh yallah khanrid
Yousif; Wain?
Ruba; ana w ranood binrou7 elshalaih
Yousif; Brou7kom?
Ruba; Yimkin my younger cousin eyii!


Yousif; ah ashwa

I quickly text-ed 9ali7 ..

To 9ali7;
9aloo7 b3d shway bamirik ta3al ma3ana elshalaih!

I almost forgot to tell khalid ..

To Khalid;
Khalid me and my friend binrou7 elshalaih, o 9aloo7 biyii ma3ana!

Yousif; aghaar min telephonich!
Ruba; heheheh ,, khala9 khala9 kaa!

And I shoved the phone deep into my pocker.

Yousif; Yallah khanrou7 ,,
Ruba; okay ,,

We entered the car, he started the engine, turned on the ac, and turned on the sterio with a low volume ,, I couldn't help but hear "The way I loved you" By Selena Gomez! I quickly turned it off (If you know the song you would know why) Yousif looked at me confused ,,

Ruba; khansoulif!
Yousif; okay ,, aku wakt?
Ruba; yeah, why?
Yousif; I want dessert ;p

He was teasing me but it wasn't funny! It was creeping me out!

Ruba; Hehehe ,, la 3ayal maku wakt ;p
Yousif; Enrou7 our beach side?
Ruba; yasoof shouf elwakt! Do you want me to be late o arou7 elshalaih mit2akhir?
Yousif; La la ,, yallah mishaina!


We arrived and parked near my car ,,

Ruba; So this is goodbye!
Yousif; La2! Don't ever say that! Fahma?

I was surprised at his reaction! At how he stared at me deeply with his eye brows over his forehead, and his index finger pointed at me..

Ruba; Okay! What should I say then?
Yousif; See you later ,, Toodles ,, ugh ,, I don't know ,, anything!

"Toodles" coming out of his mouth was beyond hilarious! I held my laughter because he was over upset!

Ruba; okay ;p Toodles ;p
Yousif; Bosa!

;S ,, I looked at him while my eyes popped out, and then he pointed at his cheek with his toungue pointed from the inside .. ma baghait adgirah , but at the same time I didn't want to kiss him!

SAVED BY THE RINGTONE!!! El7imdillaaah! It was Rinad and I had to pick it up!

Ruba; Ooopsiie! I have to take this one!
Yousif; *Mindegir* okay
Ruba; Hala ranood!
Rinad; Change of plan .. Lazim inrou7 ma3a ba3ath since my dad blah blah blaaaaaaah! You know how dads are!

I don't think I do! So little do I remember of my dad.

Ruba; Yeah ,, Khala9 I'll come pick you up
Rinad; Eeh chii zain! Meta?
Ruba; B3d shwaya, e7im ;p
Rinad; ah ok ok ;p ,, gotchaa! Yallah have fun ,,
Ruba; k, Toodles :p

I winked at yousif as he was smiling at the way I said it ..

Rinad; Bye Hannah :p

I hung up and held the phone in my hand still ..

Ruba; So this is toodles ;p I have to pick up Rinad and 9ali7 and THEN go to the shalaih
Yousif; Aha ,, Khala9 allah ma3ach ,, yimkin sabt ayii
Ruba; Yaay! Wanasa! Ta3aal haa? Mu yimkin! 9ij ta3aal!

I don't normally throw myself on him and ask him to come, Bs l2any digartah by not kissing him ;/

Yousif; Hehehe, Enshallah!
Ruba; Yallah 7abeeby I have to go, I'll miss you though
Yousif; Me too

I got up, got out, closed the door, blew a kiss at him and waved "toodles" :p

I drove to Ranood's house and hunk the horn!

*Rinad Calling*

Ruba; Wainich?
Rinad; Rabooyy sorryy ma 7asait bil wakt, gam ajhaz! Ta3aalay dishay, let's prepare together.
Ruba; 7aywanaa :p I have to pick up 9ali7 b3d!!
Rinad; Maykhalif maykhalif! ,, yallah 9i3day!
Ruba; okay fiiine! bs you're so dead :p
Rinad; Heheh (A)

I hung up, and entered from the kitchen door, and gracefully found .. (Hehe :p yeah, It's who you think it is) Jasim! Still in boxers and faneela! He was eating milk and serials! It was night! How weird is that? He was also pouring a bit of his milk into Nikey's plate! Which I thought was cute ,,
Ruba; Just passing by, don't mind me
Jasim; *chuckles* 7asbalich asti7yy? :p

(I forgot ohwa ay color bs hatha 7ilw 9a7?;***)

Ruba; Hehehe! Seriously dude, you really need to get some pj's!
Jasim; Mirtaaa7 7addy chithy!
Ruba; Oki

And I quickly snuck out of the kitchen and went to Ranood's room! Kanat gam it9afid a cute yellow top into her Louis,,

Rinad; Rorooo! A7ibih tadreen?
Ruba; Eeh adryy :p! 7maara 7aywaana :p! Tadreen lazim asawyy rou7yy em6angira :p hamman ana a7ibich o amout feech! How can I help?
Rinad; Ugh! You're such an angel! ,, Can you collect the make up o elbroshat o hal suwalif!
Ruba; Yeah sure,

I stood infront of her dresser and grabbed her usuals, The kind of make up she would wear for shalaih, I grabbed her brush, Her lotions, Shaba9aat and blah blah blah! ,,

Male Voice; Rinad yuma!
Rinad; Na3am yuba?
Male Voice; 3ady adish?
Rinad; Eeh yuba dish!

Her father entered as I was fitting her things in her bag ,,

Rinad's Dad; Hala yuba Ruba shlounich?
Ruba; Ahlaain 3ammy el7imdillah tamaam! Enta shlounik?
Rinad's Dad; 3asa doum enshallah! Ruba ebnaytyy wain shalaihkom!
Ruba; Eb XXX
Rinad; Yuba not like this is the first time enny arou7!
Rinad's Dad; Bs entay el7een makh6ooba! Ghair! Enzain Ruba ma3a mnu bitro7oon?
Ruba; Ma3a weld 3ammy 9ali7, 9gheer 16, ohwa enaam ta7at o e7na ennaam foug!
Rinad's Dad; Emm, 3adil 3adil..Khala9 3ayal estansaw ..

He left, And Rinad started complaining about her father. Ma shafat oboi! He doesn't even care If I weren't home ,,

Rinad; Shnu ya3nyy makh6ooba? o khair ya 6air!

*Spoil Alert*

Ruba; Enzain khala9 stop complaining, we're going either way, we'll have fun!
Rinad; Eeh ;/ ,,

We were done a few minutes later o nizalna ,, And found Rinad's parents sitting in the main living room ,, Salamt 3ala omha, And then her dad wanted to talk to her, Fa I excused myself and put her bags in the trunk ,, Rinad came out a few minutes later looking very upset ..

Ruba; Shfeech?
Rinad; Jasim is coming!!!
Ruba; Enzain..? 3adyy!
Rinad; La2! Mabeeeh!
Ruba; Enzain obooch laish yabeeh eyii ma3ana?
Rinad; (Becuase truth's readers want more of him :p jk , well yeah that's the reason :p bs not according to her dad) Becaauusee! Egoul ballah ligaitay kha6eebiich hnaak egoul ahalhaa emhayteenha ma3a aghraab!
Ruba; Oh, well yeah he has a point, 3ady he only wants what's best for you;*
Rinad; Ugh whatever! Now we have to wait for Jasim to pack his thing, And I told him to bring Nikey with him, so it's gonna take a while!
Ruba; Emm ,, Enzain ishrayich inrou7 nakhith 9aloo7 3ala ma okhooch ekhali9?
Rinad; Eeh, yallah okay! Eeh rabooyyy bil'rou7aah khal nakhith take out! I'm so hungry!
Ruba; Sure thing!

I called 9ali7 as I was driving ,,

Ruba; Tell me you're ready!
9ali7; Eeh!
Ruba; Ashwaa! Other wise you would've been dead!
9ali7; Huhuh (That's 9ali7's laughter ;p) Roro khal nirkab Gowaryy hnaak! Gowareenaaa lal7een mawjoodeen hank?
Ruba; Ummm ,, Chinna Eeh! Madryy, Bs yeeb gowaryy coz we have company! Ranood o okhooha!
9ali7; Okay
Ruba; Yallah ana ib Qi63atkum, enzil!
9ali7; okay ,,

I hung up and cheered!

Ruba; Ra7 nirkaab gowaaryyyy! I can't remember the last time I did!
Rinad; Eeh wallah wanasa! Ya7laila 9ali7 wallah khoush wa7id!
Ruba; Eeh 7abeebyy eshawig!;*

(9ali7 is like her brother :p Don't ever missunderstand it :p 3aaaiiib :p LAAA? xD LOOL;**)

As soon as we reached his house we got out to help since he was holding alotta bikes ,, 9ali7 found a way to put them in my car. Rakabnaahom foug o riba6nahom ib 7abil. (Akhaaaiiih wallah walaht 3ala ayaam elshalaih! Killa chithyy ensawyy!) We then drove and sang along with the radio .. Thankfully Jasim was ready by the time we reached there ,,

More Than Words (Part 1 of 4)

Hadeel was 14 years old when Musaed told her he loved her. You can guess how that freaked her out! She was 14 for crying out loud! He was 16, and he seemed like he really meant what he said. They went to the same school. She would talk to her bff and he would yitsamma3!!

Shaikha (the bff); So wain bitro7een elyoum?
Hadeel; uhh ,, madryy ,, yimkin a6la3 with my sis to the avenues!

Hadeel was that girl! She rarely goes out with her friends! Her family wasn't very cool with that! I know you're thinking she's in a mixed school why wouldn't they allow her to go out with her friends! Well, they picked the school with the best curriculums and the toughest rules. They thought going out with her friends was unnecessary! But they would allow her to meet with her friends if she's out with one of the family members!

The point is, Musaed would go to the avenues and see her!

Musaed; Oh! What a coincidence!!

Hadeel would ignore him, she knew exactly what he was up to! She knew it wasn't a coincidence!! It wasn't the first time it happened! And it wasn't the 100th time to happen! She was used to it! She hated being followed and stalked! But for some reason, when she goes out, and he's no where to be found, she misses him. Weird huh?

He graduated 2 years before her.

From Musaed Al-X;
Hey Hadeel, thanks for pleasing me with your gorgeous being for the last 12 years! In 2 years my dreams will finally come true and I'll propose to the girl of my dreams! I can't wait to propose! And I'm sure she can't wait either ;);**

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Taking Chances (Part 3 of 3)(The Finale)

Years went by, I'm not gonna say Sarah totally forgot about him. And I'm not gonna say enna he's the only guy who hit on her. But she thought of him every once in a while, he was the first wink.

So anyway, she graduated from high school with a high gpa, and decided to enter medicine. One day, their college had an open day. They all gathered around and guess who was there? Yep ;p "The guy"

Sarah had a frown as she was trying to remember if it was him or not. Since you know, it's been years and all. He frowns at her too! ,, but then he smiles! (Guys it3arfoon hal 7araka? Lamma you're thinking deeply o you frown, b3dain a guy frowns at you b3dain yith7ak like "why are you so serious?" Hehe it's cute (a) loool!) So that's what he did to make her smile. And she did ; ) She showed teeth like her cousin told her years ago .. Next thing she knows he approaches..

The guy; ElSalaam, shlounich?

Sarah ertabkat. She wasn't used to talking to guys, she barely talkes with her classmates fa ma fe balkom a guy she doesn't even know (and like)

Sarah; uuhh ,,,, zaina!
The guy; I've seen you before?
Sarah; emm ,, I don't know maybe!

It's a pick up line so she didn't wanna sound desperate.

The guy; hmmm ,, Ishtadriseen?

"Why is he asking me all bunch of questions?" She thought.

Sarah; medicine
The guy; 9ij? I study medicine too! How come I never see you around?
Sarah; I don't know! Ana freshmen!
The guy; Oh yeah! That's why!

*Awkward silence*

The guy; well my name is Bader! And it's great to meet you!

"It's nice to finally put a gorgeous name on the gorgeous face" haha that's what she thought as she was about to melt.

Bader; ... For the third time!

And he winks again!! Sarah gasped inside her brain!

Sarah; I'm Sarah!
Bader; 3ashat Lasamyy! Well Sarah I'm gonna be done with medicine next year ..

"Oh no :("

Bader; so if you need any help, I know the first year is always tough, do not hesitate. You can have my number.

He took out a card out of his wallet.

"He has a card??!! ;O Ya7laila!"

Sarah hesitated, Ma tadry takhthah wala ma takhthah! ,, She wanted to so badly! But at the same time,,she knows it's not the right thing to do!

Bader maad eedah, o ehya bs itkhiiz el-card!

Bader; Go on. Take it!
Sarah; I .. Uhh .. Ok

Then he left :(! He left! Chithyy o raa7! Raa7 khala9 baaa7! She never had the courage to look at the card there. She put it in her purse, and waited until she got home. She got in her room, locked the door, and swiftly got the card out!

*Company Name*
Bader Abdullah Al-Flany

"Whooaaaaa!! He has a company! He comes from a great family! And most of all he likes mee, akhaaiih Sarah I think this is it. I think he's the one"

Sarah kept waiting to find something she could not inderstand so she could ask for his help!

She finally did! But never had the guts to call him. So she decided to email him. He replied and told her to meet him at the place and time he specified.

She was nervous. She didn't know what to wear. She didn't know if make up was required. She didn't know how to breathe.

She went there. Awal shay kanaw esolfoon, b3dain 9araw yadrisoun. The rest of the lessons she had were explained by him. They texted most of the time and rarely called. He would ask her to call him to wake him up. Akhaaiih itsee7 lamma tisma3 9outa o ohwa daayikh!

Any way, Hal Bader Gumar ElNijoom ;p .. Takharaj and Sarah was so sad :(! She cried secretly at his graduation party!

Months later it got serious. They both sort things out, and told one another how they feel about each other. Love. Sarah's opinion of an ideal relationship was to get married at the end. But to Bader it wasn't! He thought marriage would ruin the relationship and kill the love they have. She couldn't really even try to change his mind. For it would sound desperate.

She waited

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Until she had it! She waited 3 years and marriage proposal never seemed to be expected.

She called him.

Sarah; Bader I don't think I'm the girl you're looking for.
Bader; What do you mean?
Sarah; You want a girlfirend! I want a husband!
Bader; Marriage? Zawaaj? Laish Sarah? Tadreen enna el-Zawaaj afshal mashroo3? Tadreen enna el-Zawaaj bs eyeeb el-mashakil o el-shiga? Do you want us to face problems?
Sarah; Bader married people go through problems. Of course they do. We're humans for god's sake! But they work things out!
Bader; I'm sorry! But I don't think it would work out with me. Don't distroy us because you want to distroy us.
Sarah; I can't! ,, I can't take this any more! I'll wait for you! Call me if you want to get married!

She hung up, and realized it sounded so desperate! She never got the call. She lost alotta great chances with other guys. She realized life is no fairytale..

Life is no fairy tale ; )

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