
Friday, December 31, 2010

I feel like expressing myself;**

Hey guys,,,I just felt like expressing myself and saying the things on my mind.

-Have you seen Emma Watson's new look? I LOVE!!! 9aa7 she looks hot? Hehehe, This is what I think! I seriously love her new hair cut! ,, Short hair is usually unattractive ,, But Emma's hair looks hot!!

-I noticed this thing, when I pospone prayers, or sometime skip them :$! ,, I become really lazy with everything else! Ya3ny for example, the past week I was so lazy with prayer istighfir allah! O I noticed I barely did any revision for school! o bil yaalla 3ala ma sawait my homeworks! I SHOULD CONCENTRATE!!

-I miss J(Always.Be;*);**! Wallah I miss her so much;*! I hope you reply to my emails;*!!

-Mothers have special ways to lift your mood! My mom is amazing!!! When I speak to her it always makes everything better!! Allah y6awiiil 3omirha lyyy o ya7fith'haa enshallah! The same to all of your parents you guys;**

-So I've been sad for the longest time, I finally made peace with everything. Okay I'm not as happy as I was before ... But at least I'm happy again, I finally got the ability to laugh my heart out again! ,, But it is so weird that when I really laugh my heart out I cry! I really really cry!! I don't know why:S! Do any of you guys go through the same thing? I used to have that when I was in KG but then it disappeared! A few months ago it resurfaced. Is there any medical reason for that? It's really weird!!

-You guys I'm sorry I know I haven't been reading your stories or your updates, I barely have the time wallah .. Just know I love you, o enshallah once I get the chance I'll catch up and read! I read a few tawa, o enshallah I'm continue.


Every weekend was another fairytale ,, He would always take us out and make the best out of each and every weekend.

Until one weekend, he was amazingly disappeared! He was nowhere to be found. I asked khalty and Jawa, But neither of them knew where he was. I called him several times, but no answer. I stayed up late waiting for a phone call, But the phone didn't ring any bells…

I finally gave up and put my head on the pillow, My eyes were watering and I was about to cry! .. But I was distracted by an annoying voice of ticking! I tried to ignore it, But it went on continuously, I got up and tried to trace that sound to shut it up.

Hey! Was it coming out of the window? ,,, OH yeah!!

And who was throwing rocks at my window? ,,,, Mohamed!! My prince charming. I thought this kind of thing only happens in movies, But no. It happened with me.

I opened the window and waved at him ,,

Jana; Wainiiik;(?
Mohamed; Asif ya nithar 3ainy ,, Ma gidart ayii
Jana; Well you could have called!
Mohamed; Ma 3alaih jannity, ElWalda it3ibat. O ma gidart!
Jana; *gasp* Salamat'haaa! Shfeeha?
Mohamed; it3ibat, wadait'ha elmistashfa, o lamma ghafat o naamat yet lich!
Jana; La m7amad 7aram, rid laha! Yimkin ti97a o ma itlageek, ra7 itkhaf! La la rid laha!
Mohamed; Afaaa! El7een ana 6aag darb itgouleen ly rid laha!
Jana; Ma 3alaih 7amoody! El-Weekends yayeen!
Mohamed; Enzain nizlay limeeny!
Jana; Heheh, enshallah!
Mohamed; Fidait elmo6ee3a!

I blushed, But he wouldn't notice that from afar ; ) …

I went down in my pajamas,,left from the kitchen door, He was standing there, waiting …

I threw my arms around him, and he had already carried me and circled me! It felt so good. I felt like I was on the top of the world.

Mohamed; Fee shay lazim agoul lich eyah...

"Yuma, his serious tone emkhari3ny! akeed fe shay!"

Jana; Shnu?
Mohamed; ElYim3a e7na emsafreen!

"That's three days from now ;'("

Jana; Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2!!
Mohamed; Ma 3alaih 7ayaty! Bs 3 weeks!
Jana; 3 weeeeksss!!! Ya3ny 21 days! Ya3ny 504 hrs!

I know that a failure like me shouldn't be smart. But I am. I mean to fail because I wanted my parents to suffer just like I did.

Mohamed; Ra7 adig 3alaich kiil youuum! o ma ra7 akhaleech wala thanyaaa!
Jana; Maby maby 7amood mabyyy!!

I started crying la sho3ooriyan!

Mohamed; Jannityyyy! La tabcheeeeen!
Jana; Ehe22 ehe222
Mohamed; T2!

I looked up at him with my eyes drowned with tears,, He had his head down,

Jana; *sniff* 6alli3ny!

He looked up, and his eyes were filled with tears as well..

Jana; *gaaspp* khalaa9 khala9 mabyy bachyaa!

I quickly wiped my tears, and then wiped his.

Jana; 3ayal bachir o 3ogba o elly 3ogba bag3ad ib bait khalty o enta ta3aal!
Mohamed; Ma yabeelha 7achy! A9lan ana kint baQ9ibich tig3ideen! Lazim ashba3 minnich! ,, a9lan ma yinshibi3 minnich! Bs shasawyy Qa9bin 3anny!
Jana; La mu Qa9bin 3annik! Mu laazim itrou7!!
Mohamed; La jannity, I have to, It's for my mom's treatment!
Jana; Oh! 7abeebty allah yshafeeha enshallah;*!
Mohamed; *Sigh* enshallah!

We said good night, But we talked the whole night through over the phone..

Those three days were magical as well. The first day we went bungie jumping in sha'ab park, of course I scremed my lungs out. The second day we wet jet skiing .. And the third day, we went to the Sheraton hotel for a lovely dinner.

I joined Mohamed and his mother in the airport. Of course khalty and Jawa had to come, 3ashan I don't look like "the girlfiend" ,, I promised Mohamed not to cry. I didn't cry! ,, Only when he left did I start crying silently.

He did call me everyday ,, I realized I loved him more than I thought I did when he was gone.

Was I really in love?

Could a 13 year old be in love?

After a week and a half .. Auntie wanted to travel to the same country ,, They suggested I join them! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? OF COURSE I WANTED TO GO! I just had to tell my parents and hope they agree.

Jana; Yuma?

She was busy reading the newspaper, And dad was watching a black & white movie.

Mother; Hmmm?
Jana; Yuma basafir ma3a khaty, biro7oon el-cheek
Mother; Maku
Jana; Yuma laish?
Mother; La yibtay darajaaat taly itsafreen!

I ran to my room so angry my breath was hot!

Luckily for me, we had a lot of tests that week, I did very very well.

Jana; Yuma shoufay darajaty!

She took my papers from my hand and looked at them..

Mother; 19 out of 20 bil math, 20 out of 20 bil science, 10 out of 10 bil english,,Very good Jana. Laish ma ityebeen chihty min awal?

I smiled, I loved hearing her saying nice things about me..

Jana; Etha khalaiteeny asaafir ma3a khaltyy,,killa bayeeb chithy!
Mother; Ahaaa, el7een fahaamtt!
Jana; Hehehe,
Mother; Khala9 okay, bitro7een! Bs haaa?!! Taw3ideeny ittimeen chithy!
Jana; Enshallah yuma! wa3ad;**!

I kissed her forehead, and quickly went to my room to pack my bags.

I called Jawa as I was packing and told her the good news!

Jawa; Hiyaaaaaaaaa! Wih! Ma baghat khaltyyy! 3ad mu tinsain shay tara bachir safratna!
Jana; Eeh la la many nasya!

My clothes were all summery! Little did I know that Czech was a cold country! I didn't even bother to ask Jawa.

My parents dropped me off at the airport, of course lazim lecture about being careful and not talking to strangers, my mommy almost cried, but she didn't.

You'll get to know about what happened in Czech next post ;)


Mwahahaa, I love being evil:p! Loool(A)

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Guys 7adkoomm mikhtafyeeeeeeeeeeeen:O!
Aish thaaaaaaaaaaaaa:p?
LOOL! Ma3ana today I'm happy o wayid gam akharbii6 7achy ma lah ma3na!
Bs jad laish chithyyy:O?
Wain my commenters:O?
Wain ekhtifaitaaawww?

OOHHHH! Now I get iiiitttt! You're ga3deeeen titghalouuuun 3alay 3ashan it3arfooon ma3azatkuum 9aaa77?

WELL!!!!!!!!! ....... I MISS YOU ALL SO VERY MUUCH! o 7adda my blog is so boring without you!,,

Let's see ...

I miss J soooo much;***!
I still remember you 7abeebtyy wallah allah 3aalim ishkobir ma3azitich 3indy even though I don't know you! I just loved you;**

I miss um flfola

I miss hano.Oshi faj2a ekhtifaaat :O

I miss Blue.lilies omg faj2aa!

I miss secrets

I miss Vanilla Sky

I miss 7awoorryy

I miss SuziQ_

I miss Darliam

I miss Queen Bee*

I miss Fayye

I miss me

I miss lolitta

I miss 89

I miss shushu

I miss licious

I miss zaina

I miss all of you guys! Wallah ma ra7 akhalli9 but I miss you so muuuch;**

I miss the old days:(

El7een abchyyy:(

(E7im 3ayartyyy(A):p)


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Jana; Haman ana
Mohamed; 9IIJJ?
Jana; 6a3 hathaaa:p! Masra3 ma 7abaitik! La la! En6iir 3alay shway;p!
Mohamed; Oh

Ana ishgilt tawa el7imdillah w elshekhir;s

Jana; Hehhe, shaklik ma it7ib elQashmara.
Mohamed; La embala ;p
Jana; Hehehe

We chatted a bit. He talked to me about his school,,bogaa lah shway o yitkharraj. He talked to me about his mom, And when I asked about his father 3a9ab o gaal he doesn't know him and that he doesn't have a father.

Jana; Enzain khala9 la it3a9ib 7abeeby. Ana barou7 anaam shway o e2athin elfayir akhaf yig3ad oboi eshoufny.
Mohamed; Ya 7alaat 7abeeby bilsanich.
Jana; Hehehe! Yallah 3aad tara aste7y!
Mohamed; 7alat'hom elly yisti7oun.
Jana; Waayyy m7amad;$!
Mohamed; Jana agoul lich shay?
Jana; Goul
Mohamed; Ma itshoufeeny bil hada?
Jana; Haa?
Mohamed; Kil youm ana aye lich bil hadda! Ma shifteeny? Motor aswad?
Mohamed; Eeeh!
Jana; Ay shaaaaaaaayyy!
Mohamed; Wallah el3atheem:p! Ya3ny lw mnu ana shloun ba3arf!

I have noticed this car parked at my school's parking lot, It was always there, and I could tell that someone was in it. Bs l2anha kaanat emghayima fa I couldn't really tell.

I hung up on him. And for the first time I saw Mohamed like that. I actually liked him. I noticed I was smiling almost the whole phone call. Which made my cheeks hurt. I slept smiling that night.

I called Mohamed daily, Once my parents were asleep I'd sneak and call him. I had a pager back then (Ayaam elbiyaajir xD) He sent me the code of prayer every time el-mo2athin e2athir, And he's send me the love code when he wanted to talk to me.

Mohamed; Jana laish ma tiyeen bait khaltyyy:(?
Jana; Ma adryy 7ayaty! Min ziman 3anhom!
Mohamed; Enzain ta3alay! Ya rabby ya3ny walaht 3alaich, o ana saakit agoul el7een itrou7 el7een itrou7 bs shaklich em6awla!
Jana; Khala9 next weekend arou7
Mohamed; Akheeran!
Jana; Hehehe

I packed my bags that weekend and went to my auntie' house. Mohamed was there when I entered, with his mom of course.

They all greeted me, Mohamed's eyes were stuck on me all the time, I liked it.

Khalty; Yallah badlaw 7amadeen bi6ali3naa
Jana; *whispers to Mohamed* 9ij?
Mohamed; Eeh;)! Bs mu 7ag'hom ,, 7aggich entay;*

I guess I was blushing,,

Mohamed; Wayhiich 9aar a7maar fidaitaaaaaaah!
Jana; Ambaih 9iij!
Mohamed; Eeh! ish7alaatah 3alaich!

I got up and left, I couldn't handle it. I told Jawa everything, 6ab3an 3a9ibat enny ma git laha earlier.

Jawa; Mabyy a7acheeech a9lan! El7een ana emthab6atkoommm! Itgomeeeen o itdigeeen 3alaih o ma itgoleen lyyyyyyyyyy?
Jana; Jawoooon I'm soorryyyy wallah I didn't get the chance to tell you! Baitkom killa mashghooul!
Jawa; Hatha mo 3ithir!

I got up and kissed her all over her face.

Jawa; Enzain enzain enzaaiin khala9 saama7tiich!
Jana; YAAY
Jawa; akhyas facial! Wai3 sa3abeelich
Jana; Hehehehehhehehe

We sat on her bed and I told her every little dirty detail. Khalty suddenly entered.

Khalty; Ma baddaltaw:O!
Jawa; Weee! Yuma kaa kaa el7een!
Khalty; Yallah khal9ooona m7amad naa6irna ta7at bil sayara!
Jawa; Okay enshallah yuma thuwaany ma ra7 en6awil!

Khalty left the room.

Jawa; Heheh! Shiftaaay shloun khathatna elsuwalif nisaina inbadiil!
Jana; Eeeh! HEhehe
Jawa; Listen I want you to dress pretty tonight! Shnu yayba?
Jana; Pair of jeans
Jawa; Shnu jeans?!! Maku jeans! I'll give you one of my dresses.
Jana; Waiii3 jawoon tara ma7ib!
Jawa; Bit7ibeen! Daam ennich it7ibeen M7amad bit7ibeen!
Jana; Hey I don't love him yet!!
Jawa; Yeah yeah whatever! ElMuhimm enna you have to dress nice.

She opened her closet and asked me which dress I'd like. I chose a yellow summerish one. It was really nice. She also gave me slippers that went with it and she did my make up and hair.

Khalty; Allah allah! Shal zaaaiin!
Jawa; Eeeh yumaaa! Bint ekhtiich mu ay shay shoufay ish7alaaat'ha!
Khalty; Yum minkom elthintain ma yindara ishwaraakom:p!
Jana; Heheh, khalty wala shay 9adgeeny;$
Khalty; Eeh binshouf;p!

The night was amazing. M7amad wadaana wajhat ba7ar. It was amazing because it was at night, a full-moon night, The reflection of the moon light on the beach took my breath away. Jawoon stalled khalty and Mohamed's mother. Mohamed and I were walking together and talking.

Mohamed; Ishrayich bs bil mokaan?
Jana; Eyaniiiiiiiin!

Mohamed said nothing. He seemed to be drifted away thinking about something else...

Jana; M7amad?
Mohamed; Hmm? Hala?
Jana; Feek shay?
Mohamed; Emmm ,, La2
Jana; La2 feek! Goulyy
Mohamed; Emm ,, Madryy janna ,, sa3aat afakkir ,, Entay it7ibeeny? o akhaaf min el-ejaaba! L2ana allah 3aalim ana eshkithir a7ibich!

He called me Janna.


Jana; M7amad. Ana ma2ady tara! Bs ana a7is a7ibik!
Mohamed; Shloun ya3ny?
Jana; Ya3ny ma2aadryy,, killa afakkir feek o killa an6ir ommy o oboi enaamoun 3ashan akalmik! o lamma ashouf aflaam ma9riya atkhayilik enta elba6al o ana elba6ala ,, o kil ma athakirik abtesim, hatha killa shnu ya3ny? Ya3nyy a7ibik 9a7?
Mohamed; Allaho a3lam:D

He suddenly cheered up.

Jana; Laish shaag elwayh;p?
Mohamed; Hahaha! 7asbaly bs ana elly chithy; :)
Jana; Hehehe;$
Mohamed; Jana 3ady a6lib minnich 6alab?
Jana; Enta taamir.

(I know enna this is weird or a 13 year old, bs trust me you'd give her more than 13. Life tought her lots of things;*)

Mohamed; 3ady alimich?

I showed my answer in my action, I got closer to him and put one arm around him. He then hugged me and tighened me really hard.

It was the most amazing night of my life..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I dialed, It rang half a tone and he picked it up.

Mohamed; Jana?
Jana; Aloo?

Mohamed; Jana?
Jana; Eeeh Jana. Shfeek enhibalt:p?
Mohamed; Emm,, Uhh,, Shlounichh shounich?
Jana; Zaina.
Mohamed; El7imdillah.

*awkward silence*

Mohamed; Ana mu em9addig ennich daaga!

I hung up on him.

Jawa; HEYY!! Shfeeech? Laish sadaaiteeeeh:?
Jana; Mu em9addig 3ala allah! Shnu hatha mabeeeh!;/
Jawa; Waaii3 janoon! Malaat 3alaich enzain? Li9bay eyaniiin o e7ibiich! 7addich ghabiyaa!
Jana; Ifffff! Tara mu gha9ib akalmaah!
Jawa; Enzain enzain! Bs wallah 7asafa 3al for9a!
Jana; 3ayal haach entay kalmeeeh!
Jawa; 6a3 hathy! Ohwa e7ibich entay ma e7ibnyyy!

I was a bit upset. Ya3ny kaify I decide what to do! Jawa ishtabyy! It's my decision to make.

I spent weeks at my cousins' house. I then decided to go back home. I'll talk about myself, to make your picture clearer.

I'm the only child, I was so pampered, I had everything I had ever wanted. I was the cutest among my family. I had wide eyes, thick eye lashes. Tiny lips that were so luscious. I have light skin tones, As for my hair, It was always cut short, But still cute. I started plucking my eye brows ever since I turned 13. I know it was too soon, I didn't even have to. But I felt like I wanted to. Because I always wanted to look so good. I wanted to grow up. I wanted to look like models, I wanted to look like Daleeda.

My parents were used to my leaving. They wouldn't welcome me back. It was only normal for me to be gone for months. It's like they didn't even care.

I was unpacking and I found the piece of paper that had Mohamed's number. I was sure Jawoon had put it in my bag. Uggghh ;/!!

I heard my parents fighting, I locked my door, Put on my headphones and increased the volume to maximum.

It was 2 am when I turned my stereo off, and just after brushing my teeth and wearing my pj, I had this crazy idea. I wanted to call Mohamed. So I did. I went to the living room, grabbed the phone and went to my room..

It rang a tone and a half

Mohamed; Aloo?
Jana; Heyy
Mohamed; Jana?

Hatha ma yit3allam?;///

Jana; Eeh eeh jana! Tara thiba7tny!
Mohamed; Enzain haddy a39aabiich ;p
Jana; *fake giggle*
Mohamed; Jana?
Jana; Hmm?
Mohamed; Bagoul lich shay bs mu tiz3ileen.
Jana; Goul
Mohamed; Bas ma tiz3ileen!
Jana; Ma az3al! Goul..
Mohamed; a7ibich..


I know the post is short. Sorry about that. Bs hatha elly gidart 3alaih.

P.S. As for people who are english speakers, I'll try to make a translation after the post is done. How do you like that? Should I?

Tell me what you think and I'll do it;*

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Find me on twitter

So min awal ma 6ala3 twitter o elnaas it7iin 3alay! "Saway twitter", "Sign up for twitter" I never really liked the idea enna anyone can find me o chithyy!!

SOOOO! I made a twitter account for you guys:D! They don't know about this mwahahah(6)! So I guess you can find me my name is The Truth. o tara 7addyy meeeeeeeeeee7 because this is my first time:p

Lool, o I don't know if this is helpful but I chose "TheTruthThirtee" to be the URL. I hope to find you guys there;**

Madryy laish sawaitaah:p LOOL!

Love you;**

Saturday, December 4, 2010


This story is non-fiction. It happened to a very dear person to me, When she told me all of this I was so amazed that I told her I want to write her story in my blog. So she said it's okay, I will make somethings up just to make it more creative ;p I will be in one of the scenes which will be fun I guess ;p

It will be written from the first-person point of view,,

P.S sorry for not replying to your comments, I've been really busy;**

Here goes;**


When I got F's D's ,, My parents would be so mad and they would scream at me until they lost their voices. I hated being in such situations, so my best escape was my cousin.

So the day I get my report cards were always the same, I get yelled at, I pack my bags, And off I go to my auntie's house.

My name is Jana this thing started when I was only 13 years old. My cousin Jawa is just about my age. She was my best friend, We did everything together.

When I went for sleep overs at Jawa's ,, They mostly always had gatherings ,, Among them was my auntie's dear friend. She had a son that she kept dragging with her. His name was Muhamed. We speak sometimes and play together. But everything started to change when Jawa spoke to me about him.

Jawa; Agoul janoon! Ma laa7athtay M7amad killa ekhiiziiichhh?
Jana; Hahahah! Shakuuuu:p!
Jawa; Wallah el3atheeem! A9lan tadreen ohwa killa edig 3alaina egoul Jana mawjooda 3indikom? O lamma engoul lah eeh yig3aad e7iin e7iin 3ala ommah 3ashan ityeebah hnyy!
Jana; Nice prank jawoon;)
Jawa; Wallah I'm seriooouuuss! O etha mu em9adgatnyy rou7ayy si2lay ommy!

I kept silent. Was it true?

Jawa; Hey la itfakreen wayiid! Li9baay e7ibiich!
Jana; Enzain o shasawee lah ya3ny?
Jawa; Agoul lich e7ibich! E7ibich 9iij mu kharabee6!
Jana; Laa wallah?! O how can you tell?
Jawa; killa ekhiziich o killa esouliflyy 3anniich! O killa ewadeech elbaqaala o ma ywadeena!

That part is true. I was the only one allowed to enter his car. Car eh? Means he's too old for me! I was 13 and he was 16 going on 17! His mama let him drive because he was the only child and his father was in jail. Yes. I said jail! What for? Yeah, He used to sell alcohol and drugs!! But none of that really mattered to me! I was 13 what do you expect!?

I kept thinking about it during dinner. Every time I looked at him I found him staring at me. Could this really be? Could he really be in love with me? Truly!??

I gave him a soft smile. I liked that idea.

Li9bay tishagag! Ma 9adag enny ebtisamt lah! He suddenly threw his hands up.

Mohamed; SHIBAA3T!
Om Mohamed; Wee ghobra! Shouf 9a7niik fathyyyy:O!
Mohamed; Yuma wallah shibaa3tt!

I giggled behind my teeth.

Mohamed; Jawoon ta3alay shway bakalmich!

Jawa looked at me, grabbed my hand underneath the table, squeezed it a bit and left.

Om Mohamed; Wildy estakhaf el7imdillah wil shekir!

All of us giggled.

When we were done with dinner. I was having my fruit salad and watching my favorite show. Jawa suddenly came in.

Jawa; ta3lay darryy yal 7aywaana!
Jana; What? Shfeech?
Jawa; ta3alay ta3alay el7een agoul lich!

I ran to her room, she pulled me in and locked the door. She rested her back against the door, took a deep breath, then had the largest grin ever!

Jana; shfeeeech?
Jana; Shfeeeh?
Jawa; 3a6anyyy raQamhom o gaal lyyy a36eech eyaah! He wants to talk to you TONIGHT!!!
Jana; Heheheheh! Ambaih 7ilfayyy:p!?
Jawa; Wallah el3atheem shfeech killa 7asbalich achathib! 7atta ka raQmah!

She took out a piece of paper out of her back pocket.

You see I was the type that didn't mind talking to boys. I was in a mixed school and I talked to boys before Mohamed. Not like it was my first time or anything.

Jawa arranged the whole thing. She waited until her parents were asleep and then we'd go to the living room and call Mohamed.

(They didn't have mobiles at that time, they were too young for that. We're talking about 1993 or something like that)

Jawa; *whispering* Yallah yallah diggay! Khasmsa khamsaa ..

I dialed, It rang half a tone and he picked it up.

Mohamed; Jana?
Jana; Aloo?


Cliffhanger(A)! Mwahhahaha(6)! What will happen ya rabyyyyyyyyyyyy:p??

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