ALLAH ESAMI7KOOOOOM! Part 18 bs 5 comments?! Afa22 afa2!! ma hagait'ha minkoom :P!! Ma 3alaih ma 3alaih! bit3awthoonyy ib hal post 9a7? (A)! eeh adryy (A)! LOOL! Any waayy you guys! please elly e3arif the solution for the navbar please tell me! coz wallah Blogger is so much harder without it! PLEASE PLEASE tell me the solution! Mwaaahhh;****
Yousif; and you said you called your friend basma ha?
Ruba; eeh 7abeebyy! 7abeebtyy she’s focused on her studies! Ma 3indaha wakt!
Yousif; aha ,,
He looked away, and sara7 ..
Ruba; 7ayatyy?
Yousif; 3omryy?
Ruba; wain ri7t?
Yousif; afakir feech
Ruba; itfakir feny wana yammik? *angelic*
Yousif; shasawyy a7ibich!
Ruba; hehe ,, I don’t want to go home ;(
Yousif; rou7ay shalaihkom!
Ruba; what an idea ;O! why didn’t I think of that before?!!
Yousif; haha!
Ruba; I’ll call 9aloo7 o khalood!
Yousif; yeah ..
I called both of them .. 9ali7 had an exam, khalid was busy with his girlfriend ,, I had a sad look on my face ,,,
Ruba; they can't!
Yousif; you want me to come with you?;**
Ruba; 7ayaty enta! May9eer! ,, Ranood and basoooooom! I could call theemm!!
Yousif; call rinad, don't call basma!
Ruba; laish 7ayatyy?
Yousif; ma arta7 laha basma!
Ruba; 7abeebyy we've been friends since forever!
Yousif; ma 3alaih! ma 3alaih! don't call her!
What's with him with basma?!!?
Ruba; yasoooff! She's my best frieendd!!!
Yousif; I knooww!
Ruba; enzain laish?!! Tell mee!!
he scratched his goatee ,,
Yousif; bs ma it3a9beeen!?
Ruba; What?! Tell mee!
Yousif; mu it3a9been!!
Ruba; ma ra7 a3a9iiiib! tell meee!!
I asked him with my eyes as wide as they could be!
Yousif; She's me, And I'm you!
Ruba; huh?!
Yousif; Karma!
Ruba; what?! yasoof la itta7acha balghaazz goulyyy bil wayh!
Yousif; remember awal? I was stalking you, o you didn't want me!
Ruba; eeh?!
Yousif; Well!! I'm you! And she's mee!
Ruba; NOOOOOOO!!!! ;O!
Yousif; As much as I hate to tell ,, it's true!
I didn't trust him at first! No way! No way! NOOOO WAYYY chithyyy basma itsawyyy feenyyy!!
Ruba; I'll call her!
Yousif; ish--
I pointed my index finger to him! I was really angry and I looked like the person you don't wanna mess with! After hundreds and thousands of time I called, she finally picked up and I put the phone on speaker ,,
Basma; Aloo?
Ruba; is it true?!
Basma; what?
Ruba; la tistaghbaaiinn! is it truuee??
Basma; what the hell are you talking about?!
Ruba; Basmaaaaaa!!!!! ishbainiich o bain yousiiif?!!
Basma; ......
Ruba; SPEAK!!!
Basma; ugh rubaaa!! whatever! yes, yes! it's true! he's soo khafeeef! And he gave me signals ..
Ruba; what sig--
Yousif grabbed my phone ,,
Yousif; Sim3aay basmaaa! I'm through with you and your lies! Quit it! Grow up! both of us know you're lying!
she then started to cry ,, it was hard for me not to comfort her! after all, she was my best friend for the past long years ,,
Basma; bs yousiif! Ana a7ibiik enta tadryyy!!
Oh no baby!
Ruba; BASMAAAAAAAAAA!!! What are you sayiinnggg?!!! What about meee??!! what about Rubaaa?!! you forgot our friendship?!! over some guuyyyy!!?! Basma laish chithyyy itsaweeen?? you're better than thiiis! who are you any more?! mnu entaayyy? mnuuu entaayyy?!!
Basma; Ehee222 ehee22! ruba I don't knoww! it's yousiiif! he's just too attractive!
Boy those words pierced right through my chest!
Ruba; wain ra7 el-self control haa? much less wain ra7at our friendship? our tough days together? Where are you now? I could die and you wouldn't know! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!!!????!!
After that yousif grabbed my phone, hung up ,, and held me in his arms, after seeing me hysterically crying and screaming! ,,
Ruba; Ehee222 ehe222 ehe2222! yousiif laiiishh chithyyy e9eer all at the same time!
Yousif; sshhhh 7abeebtyy entay! sshhh! maykhaliiif it'll be okay
He gave me light kisses on my forehead ,,
Ruba; enta bs 7aggy ana 9aa7?
Yousif; eeh! no one could ever take me away from you!
Ruba; akeeed?
Yousif; akeedain ya ba3ad 6uwayyfyyy!
Ruba; laish ma gitleee yousiif min gabil?!!
Yousif; the same reason you didn't tell s3ood before!
Ruba; ehee222 ehee222!
Yousif; I told you, it's karma! ma 3alaih! it'll be okay!
Ruba; I hate my life! barou7 el-shalaih! I need some time alone!
Yousif; 7abeebty may9eer brou7iich!
Ruba; I don't care! mabyyy a7aad! I want to bee aloonee!!!
I called khalid and told him, we had a very very very long arguement and of course I won, the deal was that I go there early and never put the lights out! And that I'll wake up at six and come home!
Ruba; ritha!
Yousif; shloun yirthaaa!! t2!
Ruba; ritha! yallah bye!
Yousif; minti ray7aa ruba!
Ruba; embala ra7 arou7!
Yousif; ma ra7 itro7een brou7iich!
Yousif; I'll drive you there!
Ruba; you can't! lazim bachir arid elsa3a 6 el9ib7!
Yousif; I'll come pick you up!
Ruba; ugh fine!
I got in his black Bmw x6 (I FINALLY CHOSE!! itlouugg 3alaaiih? Do you like iittt? Be honeessstttt ;****)
he drove, Not a word ,, he looked at me every few seconds ,, I wasn't crying ,, I was just thinking deeply and shook my head every now and then on how silly this was, on how stupid and blind I had been!
We arrived at the chalet house,
Yousif; banzil wiyach!
I didn't say a word, I wanted him to!
We got in, opened the lights, and turned on the tv ,,
Yousif; 7abeebtyy ma kalaitay!
Ruba; I don't feel like it!
Yousif; you will once we eat together ,,
He opened the fridge to see what's available, he got some fruits, and then he opened the freezer!
(Remember awaaaaal? youm ruba khashaat her note bil freezer?! YEAAHH ;O! 9akraw 7loojkom :p LOOL;****)
Yousif; some ice cream with fruits would be delicious!
Ma istaw3abt enna he opened the freezer! ,, tanna7 shway ,, I guess he looked at it ,,
Yousif; who wrote this?
Ruba; what?
He got the bowl out! and then I remembered! SHIIIT SHIIIIT SHIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!
Cliffhanger 9aaa77? (6) Mwahhahaha :p That's what you get for not writing comments :p LOOL (A)! Ma 3alaaiihh e7naa nit3allaam min drousnaaa 9aa7? :p Mwaaaaaaah;***
BTW! When I write a comment to reply to you lovlies ,, Ma yirthaaa! bs in my blog! laish chithyyy? It's started to get under my skin! HELP IS REQUIRED!! ;P
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huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh!!! waaaaaaaayyy laaa222 clifffhanngeerr?!
maskeena rwaiibb al7een ishb9eeer bainha oo bain yousiff laykoon katba shayy 3ana oho?!
laa2 laa2 tkfaiin miskeena al7een mino ibyogaf ma3aha itha ilkil mara wa7da gilb 3laihaa?!
post soooooooonnnn;*
LOOOL! We'll wait and see! Revengee :p shiftaayy shlouuunnn maskeeenaaa?? Enshallah I'll post soon;***
omg ;o ;o ;o shbeser benhooom shnoo katbaaaaaa laykon katba enha et7eb s3ooood can't wait till next post
LOOL! You're the best guess so faar ;**
laaaish el cliff hanger?! waait, you can comment not?;D ohhh you did it like minee tawny astaw3b! 3ad I was just about to comment wanting to explain how
LOOL! Eeh ta3abatht ta3abatht and I found the way ;p Thanks;**
Eeeh cliffhanger l2anyyy Deviil :P! LOOL! 3ady bachir I'll post enshallah;*
LOOL! Eeh ta3abatht ta3abatht and I found the way ;p Thanks;**
Eeeh cliffhanger l2anyyy Deviil :P! LOOL! 3ady bachir I'll post enshallah;*
Now everything is commenting twice! this is unbelievable ;@!!!
Now everything is commenting twice! this is unbelievable ;@!!!
better than no comment ay?:p
LOOL! May9eer Qatha :p! I'll try not to double click :p
laaaaaaaa2 gollaaay shb9eeer tkfaaain
aby a3arf i can't wait mafeeeny 9aber!!!!
seeee i'm commenting !!! gooolaaaaaaaay pleeeaaaasee
walla i love you're story
i don't like Yousif!
he did something with Basma oo i can feel it LOOL
i like jassm, rinad's bro
he would be perfect for ruba!!
oo sha5bar 5alid?
mn zmaan 3ana LOOL
okaay so i commented!
now tell me?
waaaaay 3ad ana dayman kel ma agra your story agool shmaktoob bel noot ely bel freezer oo an6er ela aby a3rf oo youm 9ij ba3arf et76een this cliff hanger ufff
chethy oo y36la3 a comment about rinad's brother?
a crush maybe? please say yes
agoulich i like jasoom! LOOL
oo when ruba was hearing yousif's heartbeats oo she said ena it doesn't say he loves her blah-blah-blah ... ee? so hnee ana t2akadt malyoon bel emyaa ena yousif 9ij doesn't love ruba!!
ee he does NOT!!!
kaify i don't like him!!!
thanks of the post! love it!! waiting fo the next. btw il layout 7alw too, "truth" tara walla any layout will do bas ahm shay ur posts:p ba3dn i'm sure ena fee wid wid silent readers i was one of them, i used to read and not write 'cause i don't have anything to say ou i'm sure ena wid people are reading ur blog bas they are busy with school. ya3nyy my school will finish ab akhr may ou wid nas min al7een yadrasoon 7ag il finals ou projects ou chathii fa they don't really have time to read it only on week-ends wila ab computer class, bas keep on writing becuase u want to not because you have too. ya3nyy now while i'm write my friends are reading it but i'm not sure that they will comment
thanks of the post! love it!! waiting fo the next. btw il layout 7alw too, "truth" tara walla any layout will do bas ahm shay ur posts:p ba3dn i'm sure ena fee wid wid silent readers i was one of them, i used to read and not write 'cause i don't have anything to say ou i'm sure ena wid people are reading ur blog bas they are busy with school. ya3nyy my school will finish ab akhr may ou wid nas min al7een yadrasoon 7ag il finals ou projects ou chathii fa they don't really have time to read it only on week-ends wila ab computer class, bas keep on writing becuase u want to not because you have too. ya3nyy now while i'm write my friends are reading it but i'm not sure that they will comment
abaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaih shinoo katbaaaaaaa????? ! BASMAAA ABAAAIH LAAA2 3AD ANA A7IBHAA LAISH CHITHI BASMAA :( post sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon cant wait love you
um flfola
Her Friend is a major pain in the A*S i honestly Don't like her 7mara .. Shes just Ugggghhhh :p
Okay I'm done complaining ;p Its time to Emdaaa7
I not only love you story i ADORE it .. Yup its that Amazing .. :D
Cant wait till the next Post *Hugs*
Darliam; LOOL! 7abeebtyy wallah I'm soooo sorryyy bs a7ib a3athibkuum shwayaaa (6) :P! Mwhahaha :p! LOOL! My story loves you back;** Weee laish ma it7ibeen yousiiif ??? :P! Lool! o Jasoom afa 3alaich I'll add him to the story more often b3d 3ashanich ;p ,, Esh7alatiich o entay itcommnteen wallah :P Enshallah a long post tonight;**
Me; 7abeebtyyy entay;** Thanks thanks thanks ;** But stilllll they can always write something :p! LOL yeah yeah yeah a3thirhum :p
Um Flfola; LOOL! Enshallah I'll post tonight;** Mwahh love you too galbyy;**
Queen Bee*; 7ADHAAA! Ya galbyyy entaaayyy I'm happy you like itt;**
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