
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I need your help! NOW!!

Hey you guys! So I have this really dear friend, her mom is living outside leanha mit6alga min obooha o mitzawjah wa7id emaraty, o she lives bil emaraat! O my friend is having serious issues missing her so badly, she can't call her because if she did she'd cry, and she doesn't want her mom to feel bad! And she can't book a ticket and go to uae whenever she wants to! Ana madry shasawy to make her feel better! El-om matta3awath,,,bs I really want to help her and I don't know how:(


Noona said...

7aram walla maskeena taksir il 5a6ir.. bs if she misses her mum that much she should call even though she would cry and make her mum feel bad, madri..
you should keep her occupied and make her feel happy so she manages to take her mind of her mother..

Anonymous said...

malha ghair rabha.. let her message her mom;) this way she can keep in touch bs matbayen 7ag her mom how she feels..

-N (mali khilg I sign in)

S.M.A said...

The only thing she can do is call her mom, crying isnt so bad. She needs to talk to her mom even if there was some tears involved.

If she really doesnt cry, thinking of positive things while talking to her mom is going to help.

If she wants to see her mom so badly, she needs to talk to her father, you might be surprise to what his response would be, he will understand her need for her mother and will allow her to visit her once in a while.

I really hope your friend finds a way to talk to her mom hope my advice helped. xoxo

Anonymous said...



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