GUYS GUYS GUYS! I know ennyy 7aaiil 6awalt 3alaikom! I'm so sorry, I had a lot going on! o I noticed enna The Rhythm Of My Heartbeat part 13 fee waayyiiddd aghlaa6 fa sorry about that too! fa enshallah hal post maku aghlaa6, o enshallah 6iweel, o enshallah you like it! Also, My dear friend "Always-be" mikhtafya :( I'm going to miss her, o I hope she comes back, ed3aw ;p .. Thank you so much, you're amazing;**
I eyed "her" ,, basma looked at her, then back at me ..
Basma; 7ilfay?
Ruba; wallah!
Basma; 3ady bil 6agaag! You don't care about s3ood, don't you?
Ruba; ok I don't care about him! Bs laiish ta3zimhaa! She knows well shnu 9aar!
Basma; 3adyy rwaib, don't mind it
Ruba; wai3!
Bainy o bain nafsy I thought what rinad did was weird! Ya3ny seriously? Laish ta3zimha?! Ugh! it was dinner time a while after that, we ate dinner. I eyed the girl wayiid! Kil shway akhizha ashoufha shetsawyy,, she's always giggling and texting "somebody" uugghhh! It bothered meeeee!!!
Basma; way ambaih ishkithir garagt elyouuumm ;O!!
Ruba; haha, 3adyy 3adyy ;p
Basma; thank god people are leaving!
Ruba; emm ,, I'll stick and help rinad after this mess ,, bitro7een entay?
Basma; la basa3idkom b3d
Ruba; ya 7ilwiich;*
Basma; hehe, athte7yyyyy *sticks finger in mouth*
Ruba; 6a elwayyyhhh ;p mama la it9adgeen :p *teases*
Basma; wayyyyyyy ya milQiiich :p
I simply side hugged her,, when everybody left .. basma and I were just standing there..
Rinad; shfeekom? ;p
Basma; we're helping you with the mess
Rinad; aww, you guys are the best! ,, bs the maids got it covered
Basma; ohh ,, so you're going straight to bed now?
Rinad; kind of ;p
Ruba; what do you mean ;p
Rinad; well, I'm going to take a shower, watch a movie, and THEN sleep ;p
Ruba; ohh ,, ok then,, good night =)
Basma; yeah! Toloo
Basma and I left in separate ways .. I called yousif on my way home ..
Yousif; ahlaan! How was it?
Ruba; okay
Yousif; hmm! Ma istanastay?
Ruba; ummm ,, embala
Yousif; goulay el9iij ;p
Ruba; well I don't know! It was just some needless crap!
Yousif; ohh .. ma 3alaih ;p bachir a6al3iich o nistanis ..
Ruba; yaay
Yousif; hahah ..
Ruba; hmm
Yousif; shfech 7abeebty?
Ruba; madryy
Yousif; goulay
Ruba; I saw her there
Yousif; who?
Ruba; you know! HER?! S3ood's gf?
Yousif; enzain..!?
Ruba; eh, just wanted to tell you enny shift'ha!
Yousif; o laish tabeen itgoleen lyy!? Laish wayid haamich elmawthoo3?!
He was getting pissed!
Ruba; madryy, I just thought it was something that should be mentioned!
Yousif; well if another "thing" happens and needs to be mentioned. Don't mention it! I don't wanna hear it!
Ruba; yousif shfeek!?
Yousif; entay elly ishfeech!? This shouldn't bother you! She shouldn't bother you! Because you're not in love with s3ood any more! You're in love with MEE!!
Mad jealousy <3
Ruba; enzaiin! Ok chiiilll!
Yousif; mabeech itgoleen esmah!
Ruba; ma ra7 agoul!
Yousif; wala abeech tihtamain etha shiftaayy 7abeebtah!
7ABEEBTAAHH!??!!!! ;'(
Ruba; ma ra7 ahtam!
Yousif; *sigh*
Ruba; khala9 7ayaty;* ,, I won't!
Yousif; ok
Ruba; enzain ana wi9alt elbait, I'll call you tomorrow ok?
Yousif; mashy
Ruba; yallah bye
Yousif; bye
Both of us were upset. Both of us were faking being ok.
From Moron;
Morning sunshine
To Moron;
From Moron;
Yallah 7abeebty, mu tinsain elyoum eb ni6la3, don't make plans with others ;p
To Moron;
Hehe, ok. Wain bintou7?
From Moron;
You'll see ;) ,, same thing ,, Meet me at your uni at 9
To Moron;
Hmm,,Ashoufiik istanast 3al 7araka :p
From Moron;
Eehh :p ,, yallah badish atsaba7, I'll see you there;*
To Moron;
The whole two hours, I was wondering where is he going to take me. studio mara thanya? Movies? Garden? Where?! Where?! .. I wore a maroon dress, offwhite heels, offwhite hair band. I had a tiny purse elly you stick it in your arm. Offwhite too. As for the make up, 7abait aghamir fa 7a6ait maroon lipstick! Eye liner o mascara.. Anyway .. I was waiting near my uni waiting for yousify! Yes! Yousify! When he got here, every drop of blood in my body rushed! He looked amazing! Amazing!! He was wearing a white shirt, that made his skin look amazingly tanned. O labis short baijy! O his hair g9eer 3al 3 maybe .. o elsaksooka! Wayyy fidaitaah fidaitaaahhh;* eyaniiin!!
From Moron;
Laish itkhizeen? :p ta3alay :p
I got out of my car .. into his .. held my phone .. I was writing a text 7aggah ..
Yousif; meta itkhal9een?
Ruba; osh! Gam adiz msg 7ag 7abeeby!
To Moron;
I'm in your car, o enta elly itkhiiiz! Mu ana!
Yousif; hahaha
From Moron;
To Moron;
From Moron;
To Moron;
Yousif; enzain laish ma insouliif hny ya3nyy :p? shal 3aba6 :p?
I laughed as he reversed ..
Ruba; so wain bitwadeeny?
Yousif; it's a surprise shfeech :p
Ruba; yasooof!! *Dala3* yallah 3ad tell meeee!
Yousif; haha, No :p
Madaait bouzyy ..
Yousif; weeee bawizaaatt!
Ruba; eeh! Em7arbitiiik :p
Yousif; hahahaha .. shloun aratheech?
Ruba; goul ly wain binrou7!
Yousif; NO:P!
Ruba; yasoooooooff *dala3*
Yousif; hahaha
Madait bouzy again .. next thing I know ,, he reached all the way to my cheek, his lips brushed against my cheek. I FELT NUMB! I couldn't help but stay in the same position. I LOVED IT! Awal marra I was kissed by a guy on my cheek! ..
Yousif; shfeech tana7tay? ;p
Ruba; huh .. ? umm .. eh .. madryy
I scratched my head. I tried to act normal,,maku faydaa ..
Yousif; haha, it's cute!
Ruba; chub :p
Yousif; enzain :p
The road got longer, o I was still curious. O I was dying to know ..
Ruba; enzain yallah wain?
Yousif; bitshofeeen! Ishkithiiir it7ineeen :p
Ruba; ywaisiiiiif *dala3*
Yousif; hahaha, ka wi9alna!
It was a marina (marsa) o killa amazing boats!
Ruba; allaaaaaaaahhh!! Which one of them is yours?!
Yousif; Which five you mean :p
Ruba; you have five!? ;O
Yousif; Yep :p
Ruba; allaaahh! Wainhom?
Yousif; hathoull,, emshay emshay khanrou7 ..
We walked up to the boats, they were all aligned beside each other,,
Yousif; ay wa7id tabeen?
Ruba; the largest!!
Yousif; hatha?
He pointed at the largest boat, 6ab3an white, but the windows were blue.. lemme tell you! It looked BEAUTIFUL!
Ruba; eeeehhhhh!!! Eyaniiiiin!
Yousif; yallah emshay ..
Yousif seemed in control of everything! 7asaitah 9ij rayaal as I watched him talk to the men in charge of the place, as he turned on the boat, as he rechecked that everything is fine .. and after he did ..
Yousif; yallah ta3alay! We’re good to go!
I just stood there, I didn’t know how to exactly get on the boat!.. then he came closer ..
Yousif; need a hand?
He reached his hand as my heart was about to explode! I was in a position where I didn’t want to hold his hand because kint miftashla! And having to hold his hand coz I didn’t know how to get on the boat! .. I eventually did ,, I shivered a bit, and my leg reached the tip of the boat, I almost slipped, but yousif held my arm as quick as he could! His grip was firm and strong! It kind of hurt me ..
Yousif; smilla 3alaich!
I couldn’t speak! Even if I wanted to ,, I wouldn’t know what to say .. yousif noticed enny miftashla ,, so he let go! It3arfoon lamma a7ad yamsikom ib Qiwa for a long time, e9eer mukan el-hand print abyath coz your blood hasn’t reach there?! Chithy 9aar feeny! I was speechless afterwards, I haven’t spoken a word the whole ride ,, he drove and drove and drove! You might have noticed that yousif does things that seem suspicious .. o it’s risky! But I don’t know why I trusted him! 7asaitah mosalim, elmuhhiim mu hatha elmawthoo3 … we stopped at some spot .. he came and sat next to me, as I was watching the sea waves at the back ..
Yousif; shfeech sakta?
Ruba; madryy .. ma 3indy shay agoulah!
Yousif; ana 3indy! 3ady agoul?
Ruba; akeed ..
Yousif; a7ibich!
I smiled o nazalt rasy!
Ruba; *whispers* me too
He bit his lips and shook his head!
Ruba; *Huge smile* shfeeeekk? :p
Yousif; *sigh* aahhh!
Ruba; shnuuu :p!
Yousif; what you’re doing is crazy!
Ruba; ishgam asawyy!
Yousif sikat! Ma gal wala kilma for a whole minute! Yimkin akthar! I just stared at him waiting for him to speak up!
Yousif; you’ll know later!
Ruba; la goul el7een!
Yousif; I’ll tell you later
Ruba; now!
Yousif; later!
Ruba; noww!!
Yousif; later la agi6iich min el6araad :p
Ruba; ahahhaha! Let’s see you do that Mr.Picked me up so I don’t fall!
Yousif; I see what you’re doing :p! you’re using my love for you,, against ME!
His love for me!?
Ruba; eehh :p
Yousif; elmuhiiiiimmm! Tabeen nakil?
I really wanted to know, o kint adryy enna ohwa gam ethayi3 elsalfa! Bs my tummyy maskeen! I was hungry fa I fell for that ;p ..
Ruba; eh! Bs shloun?
Yousif; there’s a fridge, frozen food, and a microwave
Ruba; oh!
Frozen food!? I lost my apetite!!
Yousif; just kidding! We’ll cook!
Ruba; cook?
Yousif; yeah!
Ruba; I’ve never cooked before!
Yousif; afaaaa! Ana a3almiich ma 3alaih ;p
We entered hatha elly dakhil ;p .. he selected a few things from the fridge .. such as eggs, letus, tomatoes, lemons, cheese, and everything delicious for a romantic breakfast on a boat .. I sat down and watched him ..
Yousif; number one! You have to wear this!
He grabbed a scirt elly tinlibiis 3ashan ma yitdamar! O riba6ha around his waist!
Ruba; ahahhahaa! You’re not serious!! xD
Yousif; well I’m not for me! Bs entay lazim talbiseen :p!
He got it off and threw it at me!
Ruba; uh-uh! I’m just a tourist ;p
Yousif; wear it yallah!
Kharba kharba :p! libast’ha! O wigaft yamma!
Yousif; number two! ,, make everything ready before you put anything on fire .. for example ,, enga9i9 el6umaa6 o el-laymoon o elkhas before we make the eggs with the cheese ..
Ruba; ok ..
We held the knifes,, I cut the tomaoes, he cut the rest .. tomatoes were sooo annnoying! Kil shwayyy they sliipp! Fa shway etnarfazt!
Yousif; engi9 el6umaa6 mu entahaawash ma3ah :p!
Ruba; yasooooof *dala3* yin7ashounn!
Yousif; hahaha! Hold it like this!
He grabbed the tomato that I was trying to hold ..
Yousif; 7i6ay eedich!
Ruba; yin7ashouuunn!
Yousif; hahah! Miskeehom 3adiiil :p!
Ruba; maby aby agii9 shay thanyyy! Ta36eenyy el9a3iiib haaa? *Dalaaa3*
Yousif; hahah!
6ab3an my hands were filthy! Tomato water was all over my hand .. I washed my hand as he did too, yammy bil sink .. I was looking at my hand, and I could tell that he was looking at me from the corner of my eye, which put a smile on my face .. then he looked away .. AAAHHH <3 So any way ,, we cooked ,, we cracked up ,, we ate ,, it was amazing and romantic ,, after we were done eating .. you see e7na kinna dakhil fe methil a chamber ,, fa I was looking out the window …
Yousif; what are you thinking about?
Ruba; nothing
We were very quiet afterwards ..
Ruba; oooh! Akeed hatha khalood!
It was my phone, and yeah, it was khalid!
Ruba; alo? .. zaina .. 6al3a ma3a basma o rinad .. madryy .. ok ..!
Yousif just kept staring at me ..
Ruba; wayy hal okho eshkither i7atyy!
Yousif; haha ,, eeh you’re like his responsibility .. *pause* la7tha la2! You’re your dad’s responsibility!
Ruba; eh my dad emsafir ..
Yousif; o your mom?
Yousif didn’t know! Bs nazalt rasy o ma gilt shay ..
Yousif; shfeech?!
Ruba; ……
Yousif; ruba?
Ruba; ……
I didn’t know if I wanted him to know! I didn’t want to be the poor girl elly maskeena omha o ekhit’ha mayteen! .. it is sad! Very! But I just didn’t know if I wanted that empression from yousif ..
Yousif; ta7achay!
Ruba; wayyy yousiiiff!!
Yousif; shfeech!?
Ruba; my mom is dead!! Enzaaiinn!? Erti7iit!?! Oh and another piece of informartion you might wanna know! My sister is dead too! Ok?!
I was upset, angry, and just wanted him to shut up! .. yousif reached his hand to mine ,, but I pulled mine! Ma abyy yamskiny now! If he did I would cry!
Yousif; I’m sorry! Wallah I had no idea! I’m so sorry! ..
I didn’t say a thing .. he reached out for my hand again, and I let him ,, I knew why I pulled my hand the first time, and yeah, I cried! I know myself ,, once I’m touched ,, tears fall ,, and then it’s dramatic!
Yousif; hey! Ana em6al3iich 3ashan tisansain mu 3ashan tabcheen!
Ruba; *sniff* I miss them!
Yousif; I’m sure you do! O I’m sure they’re in a better place now! Tabeen nad3eelihom?
Ruba; eeh!
Ohwa kan gam yad3yy o ana agoul amen! .. aahhhh! He knows how to yad3yy!? How rare is that!! Mu do3aa2 elly ya rab tir7amhom o chithy! La2 do3aa2 9ijyy!
Yousif; allahoma 9ally 3ala mu7amad o aaly mu7amad wal salaam 3ala elmursaleen wal 7amdo lillah rab el3alameen…
Ruba; amen *Sniff*
Yousif; are you feeling better now?
Ruba; eh, el7imdillah ..
Yousif; yallah tabeen en9eed simach?
Ruba; haha, what?
Yousif; en9eed simach :p
Ruba; haha, yasooof xD! Allah yhadaak ana wayhy wayh simach? :p
Yousif; haha, yallah you will have fun!
Ruba; ok ..
We got out of the chamber, 6ala3 el-sinarat ,, he showed me how to throw it ..
Ruba; yasoof ma a3arf! Enta throw it o ka2ana maltyy ;p
Yousif; haha! Wallah it’s easy!
I didn’t wanna try, because I didn’t want to look stupid in front of yousif, I knew I wouldn’t do it right! How am I supposed to?! I’m a girl! O I’ve never did it before! ..
Ruba; yasooof *dala3*
Yousif; ok ok fine ;p
He threw both of them, and we sat on plastic chairs and waited for something ..
Ruba; lw adry chithy chan yibt my cream so I tan!! ;(
Yousif; haha .. don’t! you’re perfect just the was you are! Don’t change your color! Don’t change anything!
Ma gilt shay ,, I just thought about it for a second! He wants me just the way I am! He loves me just the way I am!
Yousif; ok?
Ruba; ok
After that, we waited for a fish .. we both caught fishes, actually he did .. I just sat there, it was kind of boring for me, but I enjoyed being with him! ..
Ruba; ewww!
The sight of the fishes flipping freaked me!
Ruba; yousiif 7araaaam!
Yousif; ish7araama! Circle of life ;p
Ruba; eww eww! Ana badiish!
I couldn’t stand it! Dashait the chamber, and waited .. after a few minutes .. yousif entered ..
Yousif; done! I’ll just wash my hands to get the smell off ..
Ruba; ok ..
He washed his hands ,, and came sat next to me ..
Yousif; my shirt stinks too 9a7?
Does he want me to sniff it or something? ;s
Ruba; laa2 …
Yousif; umm,,I’ll change it!
Next thing I know ,, he took his tshirt off ,, his abs aaaaaaaakkkhhhhhh yuma galbyyyy! I was shocked ennah fi9akh jidamyy! O elmishkila enny tanna7t bil six packs as he opened the small closet he had, Grabbed a tshirt and put it on just as I was deeply into the abs! =(! Then he went to the bathroom sink and sprayed The Brave by Diesel! Aakkhhhh yuma galbyyyy!
Yousif; tabeen enriid?
Ruba; madry kaifiik ..
Yousif; elsa3a wa7da ..
Ruba; khal nig3ad shwaya
Yousif; min 3youny!
We both smiled. We stayed for a while, ga3dna ensoulif, then we went back .. when I got home ,, ensada7t 3ala frashy before even changing! I was falling for him ,, he’s a man! Rayaal ma3na elkilma! I never thought enna chithy! ,, o as usual, basma tig6a3 7abil afkary! .. kanat gam itdiig 3alay ..
Ruba; Alooo?? ;@
Basma; we shfeech!
Ruba; maku shay,, goulay?
Basma; rinad needs our help ..
Ruba; shfeeha?;O
Basma; madryy ,, she called me o kanat gam tabchy ,, I think it’s about salim!
Ruba; wee! Emshay inrou7 laha!
Basma; eh that’s why I called! Ana bil 6ireej, jihzay 3ashan enrou7 together ..
Ruba; eh ok, yallah bye ..
I took the dress off, whore jeans and the first jacket I saw .. sneakers .. and waited out side for basoom .. I ran the second I saw her car in our fireej ..
Ruba; yallah yallah dousay!
3ala 6oul chithy gilt the second I put my foot in her car ..
Basma; yallah ..
She drove as fast as she could, we parked infront of ranood’s house .. we didn’t bother ringing the bell .. dashaina from the kitchen’s door …
Rinad’s Maid; ah mama basma mama ruba nice to see you
Basma; mu waktich entay elthanya
We completely ignored her, o 9a3adna foug 7ag ranood .. basma bumped into rinad’s brother, who was only wearing faneela o boxer! Basma tana7at ,, o ana shway wath7ak 3alaiha! ..
Basma; oops sorry
Jasim (Rinad’s brother) ; la 3ady
La 3ady!? KAAAAK!
Ruba; *chuckles*
Basma; hey you think this is funny? Your friend is crying and you’re laughing? ;@
She said angry only because she was embarrassed ..
Jasim; why are you crying!? @@
Basma; I’m not .. uh ..
I wanted to “AnQith elmawQif” but I only made it worse …
Ruba; uhh ,, she means that I’m laughing after I saw her cry, you know! She was crying in the car! Bs now she’s not! .. she’s not crying ya3ny!
KHARABEEE6! Basma gave me a death stare
Jasim; huh?! *Shakes head* la tabcheen!
Basma; enshallah!
Ruba; *chuckles*
Basma; *death stare*
Jasim; o entay la tith7ikeen 3alaiha!
Ruba; excuse me?! Are you her lawyer?
Basma grabbed my arm ..
Basma; *whispers* let it go!
Jasim; *chuckles*
Ruba; o yith7ak b3d!
Basma; haha ,, osh osh! Khanshouf ranood!
Ruba; oohh yeah I totally forgot!
We didn’t think to knock her door, we just “Dar3imed” .. rinad 7abeebty was sitting on her bed with her hands filled with tissues that were filled with tears and snot ;p .. (ok ew :p sorry sorry 7asait lazim agoul snot :p wanasa ;p 3ashan ma etheeg khilgkom wayid :p)
To be continued;* ...
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3ajeebaa 7adha oo il post 3ajeeeb<3
cant wait for the next one xoxo
im glaaddd ur backk
u'vee been misseddd;***
walhhtt 3laiich wayeedddd!!!!
inshaallaa bas halmara bat'3eeebeen 3ana!;'(
post soon;**
loooooooooved it!!
post asap!!
Love the post!
I'm sorry but could you try to cut down on the arabic? lol I read your blog but im an english speaker.
But love the blog!
Anon (A); First of all, I love your letter ;* ;p .. 3omrryyyy IT LOVES YOU BACK;** ,, I'm glad you liked it ;)
M10; 7abeebtyyy toulah 3alaich el3afya;** I'm glad to be back and write again;* o enshallah I'll work my best;*
Shushu; I'm glad you did!;*
Anon; Lool, I'll work on that, I'm glad you're enjoying it;* Thanks!
I am a fan of your story! I;m so happy you are back!! dont leave us hanging please
Secrets; Thank you;* ka I just posted ; )
ahahahahahaha;p il post itha7ek;p
i think i am falling for yousif to:o
nextt posst please
Bluelilies; Hehehe! I'm glad it made you laugh;***!!
You think ;p? HEhehe;***
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